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Thread: High standards!

  1. #16
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    Well, it depends on what you're being honest about, I guess. Sometimes a strategic little white lie can save a world of pain.

  2. #17
    Illusional's Avatar
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    i'd rather know the truth because what doesn't kill you, will only make you stronger mentally. raverboy
    ...this is just my perspective on the situation...

  3. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by outlines23
    id rather be an asshole and honest, than phoney and likeable
    Did you forget about the "honest and likeable"? As it is with EVERYTHING in this world, it's not WHAT you say, it's HOW you say it. And you seem to WANT to say it in the asshole way. So don't try to make it sound like you can only be phony and likeable or honest and an asshole. Cause I consider myself to be a VERY honest guy (honesty is very important to me), but I don't consider myself even CLOSE to an asshole. So it IS easily doable. Or you could just flame on people and try to get them all riled up and claim that you need to in order to be honest.


  4. #19
    Join Date
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    outside of your window
    oh really? read what you just typed, your being honest definitaly, and being an asshole, so there you go
    im the shit like mr.hanky


  5. #20
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    outside of your window
    by the way, whats 'flame' on people? i dont get that, but theres a diffrence between wanting to be an asshole and wanting to express your opinion, wether negative or positive, heh, anyway though if i was how you say, im sure i could say plenty to be an asshole to you, but im not because theres no need. i am a nice person- but most people are not- so unless you earn my respect then im not going to go outof my way to be Honest in a 'nice' way.
    im the shit like mr.hanky


  6. #21
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    oh really? read what you just typed, your being honest definitaly, and being an asshole, so there you go
    True. Because your replies really annoyed me. There was no reason to say those things how you did, but you chose to be an A-hole. "What goes around comes around" "Treat others as you would have them treat you." etc. etc. Just making sure it comes back around at this point.
    by the way, whats 'flame' on people?
    Loose slang meaning make fun of or talk downwards to/about.
    i dont get that, but theres a diffrence between wanting to be an asshole and wanting to express your opinion, wether negative or positive
    Exactly. And you chose to be an asshole while expressing your opinion, but then stated that you'd rather be an asshole and honest than phoney and nice.
    so unless you earn my respect then im not going to go outof my way to be Honest in a 'nice' way.
    So what did the original poster do/say that prompted you to disregard being 'nice'?


  7. #22
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    Cant you be nice without being an asshole...cant you be honest without being an asshole...i mean why would anyone blatanly WANT to be an ass? I dont get that? Other than Raverboy...

    But I dont see the point in being a jerk at anytime-or at any given moment. I think being honest is the ONLY way to go...and you can do that without coming off as a flamer!

    Theres always a way of dealing with an issue whether you want to be in it or not...and youre way of dealing with it shows what kind of person you are...I for one dont want to be labeled as a bitch-therefore I dont act as one. Get my drift?

    If you want to posses the qualities of a classified Asshole-who would want to be involved with you..if youre always acting like the donkey of the group. I dont think anyone here intends or wants to be that person...but there are some strong personalities in this forum! Which brings some good arguements or different views...makes this place interesting. But I wont give credit where it isnt deserved..theres not a real asshole in here. NOT ONE! NOT EVEN YOU RAVERBOY(kick my ass later for ruining your rep.)

    Ok l do have to say something about the original post here-being sensitive or being the nice guy and having high standards doesnt constitute "GAY". He knows what he wants and he can have those high standards...its his life...nothings wrong with him-hes just looking for his Ms. Right...but he might be looking a looong damn time!!! But hey its his life...not ours.

    Everyones got their own standards...and I for one wouldnt settle...but the idea is to LOOK and check the game out...how the hell do you know if you dont play the game?????
    everything happens for a reason...beginning to wonder why.

  8. #23
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    it just seemed to be in his head it comes out as high standards but in reality hes just not attracted to females, i pointed out a bunch of stuff that all comes together as a homosexual, i never said that there was anything wrong with that though haha

    and really i dont care if people think im an asshole or not, but the way i grew up, the way me and my friends are, its just not a big deal to us, with females im generally mad sweet but with dudes i just am not goin outof my way to be nice unless i know you like that, just how i am, and how i was brought up..just cause i admit that im an asshole though doesnt mean i think its such a bad thing, could be alot worse, i could be a pathological lier, and be the nicest person in the world, till you wake up one morning and all your electronics are in the pawn shop and 500$ are in my pocket.
    im the shit like mr.hanky


  9. #24
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    i'im the nice asshole. i always piss people off, but then they will get over it. hahaha. raverboy
    ...this is just my perspective on the situation...

  10. #25
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    *reads posts.........checks out Illusional's location. Smirk of agreement comes across face*

    "It's not having what you want.....it's wanting what you got"
    ~Sheryl Crow

  11. #26
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    But everyone gets over whoever pisses em off anyway.. LoL..

  12. #27
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    But everyone gets over whoever pisses em off anyway.. LoL..
    True, true. I'm no longer pissed off at the way he replied and don't hold it against him. Maybe in the future he'll piss me off again, but I mean, seriously, how upset can I get/stay over some words that an unknown entity typed in an internet forum? I would hope I don't get so emotionally involved with my Dell that I freak out over some cyber-trash talking.

    And hopefully others will heed this too. I get so annoyed when a thread goes on and on and on about people arguing and calling each other names. I mean if you want to state your point, go ahead. But when you fill up like two or three pages just back and forth arguements, it gets annoying. Especially if you're trying to actually read the ones inbetween that actually deal with the topic.


  13. #28
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    well i just hate to hold grudges now because i feel that it's worthless. you keep everything inside and one day it just will explode. all the while during the buildup, that is a lot of tension to keep within one's self, and it will only lead to more stress in life. raverboy
    ...this is just my perspective on the situation...

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