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Thread: Why do women have problems with "metrosexual" men?

  1. #16
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    So, Grib, does your sex drive come from actually enjoying the act of sex, or do you just want to bang a lot of women because you that is what your biology is telling you you want? Is there an internal mechanism that ever overrides this instinct?

  2. #17
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    I like the way a smooth ass feels against my palm and the way a woman looks when there's sex in her eyes. I love the sound she makes when I hit the right spot. I've yet to find an experience more pleasurable than orgasming with a woman. It lifts my spirits. Makes me feel like I'm the baddest mother ****er on the planet. I go to work the next day revitalized and ready to dominate. I think that's the internal biology right there. Mind and body scream this feels good, do more of it.
    God, so atrocious in the Old Testament, so attractive in the New--the Jekyl and Hyde of sacred romance.
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  3. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gribble View Post
    I like the way a smooth ass feels against my palm and the way a woman looks when there's sex in her eyes. I love the sound she makes when I hit the right spot. I've yet to find an experience more pleasurable than orgasming with a woman. It lifts my spirits. Makes me feel like I'm the baddest mother ****er on the planet. I go to work the next day revitalized and ready to dominate. I think that's the internal biology right there. Mind and body scream this feels good, do more of it.
    I have to agree that is a good feeling but I'm pretty happy to do it with one woman.

    And I don't want to make a bunch of babies...maybe that is going against nature but we take plenty of precautions to make sure that babies are not the result...at least not right now.
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  4. #19
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    I don't know many men who can speak that eloquently about sex. Nicely done.

  5. #20
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    All over the damn place.
    I don't know many women as adorable as you. Tell your parents I said nicely done.
    God, so atrocious in the Old Testament, so attractive in the New--the Jekyl and Hyde of sacred romance.
    -Mark Twain

    If people are good only because they fear punishment and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.
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  6. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gribble View Post
    I don't know many women as adorable as you. Tell your parents I said nicely done.
    I bet you made lbell blush

  7. #22
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    I look damn good fresh out of the box. I don't wax or get manicures, I don't get facials, and I certainly don't take an hour getting ready. Hell, 'get ready' for me means put some clothes on, comb my hair, maybe brush my teeth/put on some cologne and that's it.
    I don't waste my money on ridiculously expensive 'designer' clothes or any of that shit. I never go out of my way to impress anyone with my appearance.

    Women want a man, not another woman. You know, a strong, confident guy with a big heart; a dufas; a big smelly dufas who tells funny jokes, smiles, and is fun to be around, who doesn't give a damn what anyone thinks.
    I even spent a significant portion of my life in Europe and I don't agree with what you say about the women there in general. My girlfriend is from Europe, too... not to mention all of her friends and family, whom I've met.

    Furthermore, I don't agree with Gribble - being a douche bag WILL NOT get you what you want. Nobody likes douche bags. The only reason these guys he mentions are having their way is because they've got a few of the qualities I've mentioned... confidence, strength, probably tell funny jokes, smile, fun to be around, and are smelly. And girls will put up with the bullshit when you have those qualities.

  8. #23
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    Thx people for so many replies! I am glad that my question initiated a conversation.

    My primary question was about women's image of men who seem to care about their appearance, sometimes excessively. I didn't mean to discuss about how well they're doing with women, as we see there are diverging opinions about that, and as doppelgaenger noted, it heavily depends on many other personal characteristics.
    Cosmo is certainly close to the point: tagged "metro/duche" are being those guys who SEEM to work too hard on their appearance.
    And I am not sure if I am a douchebag too: as I DO wear faded jeans, designer shirts, (sometimes) wear a bracelet, drive a convertible, etc. Not in a workplace, or during daytime, but in the evenings, and depending on the occasion. And I hate flip-flops and wear them only to the beach. =) On the other hand I've never had a manicure, waxed nose, eyebrows, or anything waxed actually. :-o
    I just try to express myself, and show that I have some taste in clothing. It is true that I was occasionally overdoing it, but over the years, I think I found my style that suits me well. Walker, Clooney and Raynolds in Cosmo's pics look great and certainly have style too, but they wear quite basic black creations that don't express too much. The first two guys are in suits (I hate suits), and the third one tries to pursue some tough biker's look. Maybe their styles just don't suit my personality; it doesn't fit everyone.
    Another reason I like to dress up is, when I am out with a pretty girl, I feel that I should look as good as possible, partly also because she did her best to look as good as she can (as girls usually do). My ex and I would sometimes go out and get attention of pretty much every girl/guy in the room, club or whatever. This was mainly because she is a (somewhat famous) singer, but everyone would agree that we look like a couple from journals (metrosexual ones obviously :-) ) and we would constantly annoy people posing in endless Facebook albums. OK, as I said, there were some moments in past I am not really proud of.

    However, my questions could then be restated: Why do people (both men and women) tag someone as gay/metro/douche simply from the way he dresses up? And why are they so bitter and full of prejudices? For God's sake, having a distinct style in clothing (doesn't matter you find it good or bad) is totally UNCORRELATED to social skills, relationship maturity, the way of treating women, etc. And my possible conclusion is that people in the U.S. are significantly more like to develop a priori negative attitude towards a person if he looks anything like one of the metro/gay stereotypes. If he wears a scarf, he must be gay. If he wears a bracelet, he is a metro/douche, etc. I don't say that people in Europe don't have prejudices too. They do, perhaphs even more, but the straight/gay standards are much different, and ideals of masculinity are just somewhat different.

    Take for instance members of the (newly popular) French band Phoenix. I cannot post a pic but please search "Phoenix visits fuse" in Google images.
    In American eyes they are immediately tagged: gay-gay-gay. Or put some douche in between. And I get why. )
    However, in Europe one would rarely comment on that. People either wouldn't care, or they wouldn't find anything weird on them. The left two guys are wearing scarves, so what. The right guy put the shirt in his pants, so what. They don't really look that cocky taking into account that they're posing for an album pic or something.

  9. #24
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    ^^I think people should just feel free to wear what they want and not give a fook about what other people think.

    BTW, I'd never heard of the term 'metrosexual' until I saw this thread.

    In the UK, i've known men who go overboard with their style have his sexuality questioned and being labelled 'gay'. I think this could be because, that is how 'gay' has been presented to us and via the media, courtesy of magazines, tv, posters, etc. Gay men are portrayed as being fantastic looking guys, who give a damn about their appearance. So I guess any other good looking guy who is seen to give a damn about the way he looks, more so than your average man on the street would 'normally' look.... well he tends to get the 'gay' label also.

    Gay people were in the closet for an awful long time. It is only the past few decades that 'gay' has become acceptable among the masses. Suddenly a whole new breed of men entered society, who were not your average guy. These guys liked to look as good as a woman did and cared about their appearance, like a woman did.....they were 'GAY' men. Then hot on their heels, came the Metro guys.....guys who liked to look as good as the 'gay' guys, only this breed of man is a heterosexual man.....
    It is confusing to tell the 'gay' man and the 'Metro' man apart and because sexual preference cannot be seen , it is not 'physical' to the eye....

    Don't blame people.....blame the media.

  10. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cosmo View Post

    Neither one of these guys have enough taste to qualify as metrosexual, and thank you for posting a picture of my one true love, George Clooney.

    Personally, I don't mind metrosexuality, so long as he knows how to be the boy.
    Last edited by vashti; 23-05-10 at 10:14 PM.
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

  11. #26
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    For God's sake, having a distinct style in clothing (doesn't matter you find it good or bad) is totally UNCORRELATED to social skills, relationship maturity, the way of treating women, etc.
    It's not completely unconnected either. Look at men who where shirts with stupid, degrading phrases on them. Immature mentality. They think that kind of shit is funny, when in reality is makes you look like a douche. Wearing your pants down past your ass? Immature. Why boys thought this was cooler than wearing jeans at a normal height confused me for the longest time.

    Metro style is a bit different though. Think of all the prejudices applied to gay people, and that is another reason why metro style is shunned and/or called out. How many men do you know that are comfortable with being labeled gay when they're actually straight? Very very few. So men do their best to act and look the part of a man, or what they think a man should look like. This is displayed to them in car commercials, beer ads, etc. They simply say, "THIS is what a man does." He wears jeans on his off days and drinks Budweiser to relax while working on his GT Mustang.

    Nowadays, as our society grows more liberal, we've been seeing shows like Queer Eye pop up. The show centered on teaching slovenly dressed men how to better care for themselves so that they could make a good impression on a date, or impress his girlfriend's parents. Problem with that show's purpose is that it can't make the guys grow up. You can stuff a monkey in a suit, but he's still gonna act like a monkey Part of learning to dress well, and taking care of one's self IS connected to your level of maturity. Why do you think women check their men all the time? "You're wearing THAT to dinner?! No way."

    The majority of our American population seem to be lazy as well. We find a word like "gay", short, sweet, and gets the general point across, and so we use it. Overuse it in fact. We assume that anything that isn't strictly defined by the media as being "straight" must be, in fact, "gay". We're too used to seeing things in black and white, but really there is a lot of gray area. Now "gay" even connotes to "that's stupid". As in, "Dude, I have to work on Saturday morning." His friend responds, "Dude, that's gay."

  12. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gribble View Post
    I don't know many women as adorable as you. Tell your parents I said nicely done.
    I shall let them know. Thank you

  13. #28
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    I loves me a metrosexual man. Nice clothes and cologne, well groomed, 'man'-icures........yes, yes, yes. You can still be a man and take care of yourself.

    I don't get with men who drive big trucks, wear dirty jeans and act all redneck.
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  14. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by bluesummer View Post
    I loves me a metrosexual man. Nice clothes and cologne, well groomed, 'man'-icures........yes, yes, yes. You can still be a man and take care of yourself.
    I knew I couldn't be the only one!
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

  15. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by bluesummer View Post
    I loves me a metrosexual man. Nice clothes and cologne, well groomed, 'man'-icures........yes, yes, yes. You can still be a man and take care of yourself.

    I don't get with men who drive big trucks, wear dirty jeans and act all redneck.
    I fall in the middle. I'm pretty well groomed minus the manicures...depends on what you mean by nice clothes. But at the same time I don't own a truck, although I have been known to wear dirty jeans when I work and I can be redneck at times....Every time AC/DC or Nazareth comes on the radio I have to blast it and imagine myself driving in a black Trans Am with a mullet wearing stone washed jeans, no shirt and nike high tops....I have a vivid imagination. But that music just takes me to that place....I can't help it...I guess I have some redneck tendencies.
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