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Thread: meeting women in college

  1. #16
    Gribble's Avatar
    Gribble is offline Love Gurus
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    All over the damn place.
    Word of advice if you do ever go to a party: don't get drunk and ride the shuttle bus. That's always a bad idea. If you're sloshed the seats are all taken and you'll have to stand. One of my favorite pastimes is just riding the bus across campus late at night watching the freshmen tumble from one end to the other.

    Also, be wary of accepting beer from people at these parties. Drink nothing you don't draw from the keg or pour from the can yourself. I may have at one time in my undergrad years slipped a little syrup of ipecac in a virginal freshman's beer. I'm pretty damn sure that was his first and last drink ever.
    Last edited by Gribble; 13-04-07 at 11:04 PM.

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