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Thread: Why Breakup Happens

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Wild west of Ireland
    I don't think there can be an official list of causes.. but how about this:
    bad fighting.
    seriously though, there are many causes for breakups, and while some of them are so fundamental (such as cheating) that they cannot be settled by talking, I'd guess a lot of them could be solved with better 'fighting'/deligation skills. Supposedly experts can tell if a couple will stay together from watching five minutes of arguing.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Tiay View Post
    Supposedly experts can tell if a couple will stay together from watching five minutes of arguing.
    Yeah I remember watching some show about something similar. It was some human social action studies expert who can tell which relationships will last and which wont by the behaviour of their body language.
    I think your right. I think the way how couples deal with conflict/arguments can make or break a re;lationship very fast.
    Last edited by Henry123; 18-09-06 at 04:30 AM.
    I want a girl who likes to talk. ......I just dont know what to say sometimes and would rather just listen.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    I found this tid bit of information over the net.

    ".... First, some women make the mistake by punishing their current boyfriend because their last boyfriend treated them wrong. This will cause nothing but problems in the relationship. I know that there are some men out there that treat women wrong but still do not let one bad experience corrupt your present relationship. "

    (source: [url]http://blog.360.yahoo.com/blog-LpHKnbIlf5mD956JiEr7?p=21[/url] )
    I want a girl who likes to talk. ......I just dont know what to say sometimes and would rather just listen.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Wild west of Ireland
    I'm not sure I really agree with that.. at least, in that example in the link, the woman simply had her trust broken by a guy and had a hard time trusting the next guy, it's not like she chose to 'punish' him or anything.

    whatever the actual cause is though, good communication can solve problems that would otherwise break a relationship. Since every relationship has some bumps in the road at some point, that makes a big difference to the chances of any relationship lasting and existing in a meaningful way.

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    date - relationship - breakup

    sometimes break ups happene cause there is not much fun any more. When you are dating its has to be fun and sometimes you just get to a oint where you just dont enjoy each other`s company and you dedcide to go you separate ways but that is rare most of the time there is a problem.
    [URL="http://www.gmcmatch.com/forum/index.php"]Dating forum[/URL]
    [URL="http://www.adult-dating1.com"]Adult dating[/URL] - adult-dating1.com
    [URL="http://www.gmcbiz.com"]Home business opportunity[/URL] - gmcBiz.com

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    hymmm? I'm trying to figure out how does one bring Excitement, Adventure or Joy in each date or day with someone.
    I want a girl who likes to talk. ......I just dont know what to say sometimes and would rather just listen.

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Ann Arbor
    there are obviously a lot of reasons why relationships end, but i attribute a lot the failure to the whole opposites attract thing.

    it is often true that we find ourselves attracted to people different than us because they offer something that we haven't known or aren't familiar with. but therein lies the problem. once that initial attraction fades, you're left with two people who have very little in common and unless there is a deep love there, they will begin to resent each others differences. which will then lead to the inevitable breakup. it's very difficult to get along with someone very different from yourself over an extended period of time.
    People are bastard coated bastards with bastard filling

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