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i hope i don't stamp it on the wrong guy.. He is very affectionate, physically close, great conversation, he uses a lot words like "relationship" and partner" (although i think he doesn't know what they mean, english is not his first language, and he confessed to have had a problem with commitment, now over, i don't understand what "Now" means) -- he seems happy with me, (but i have to say he has a happy temper so seems happy with everybody), he is affectionate, left money for the rent, brought a present (i think recycled, but maybe not) (an african seed in the shape of a heart), didn't call in the beginning, but after i left him he called every two days and messaged or emailed every day. I am also afraid he is doing that only because i blackmailed him into it. (you don't call, so i leave you) after this week of passion he left, and he made two phone calls so cold they could have been to his cousin, but messaged today even if i understand he had a difficult day (he didn't say that) -- still very general, so maybe he wants to keep me as friends with benefits. OK, this is more details, sorry to be boring.
Yes, i am used to the other kind, i always heard "i love you" at very early stages, and it was never true. Now i have the right disposition, but i find that if if don't hear something tender my libido tends to zero, and i need to drink or something to get off, or at least play like it s a porn movie (he doesn't like that), otherwise i don't see the point. (I need specialized consultancy, probably)