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Thread: boy problems :( please help...in desperate need for advice

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    You're not going to find anything out by guessing or thinking about it.
    You either effed it up for good, or you didn't.
    Only you and him can sort that out, and for that to happen, you need to talk to him.

    Personally, don't pretend it didn't happen, that ticks me off. If someone does something, I want to know why, and what it means to me. Period.
    If I'm left guessing and wondering, I'm not going to be very open to letting it get very emotional.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Louisville KY.
    It's great to know that you were not too intoxicated. You know what they say when your really intoxicated, you can't control yourself.

    But I really didn't mean any disrespect Crystal and I hope you get who you are looking for someday. Show that you won't make more mistakes next time and make the right choices. Okay?

    Although what you wrote seemed to be a little suspicious and happens so very often. But I believe that everyone should be forgiven of their past mistakes and should look on to the future.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Nevermind, we talked for like 3 hours lol everything's all good...

    He actually told me that he was waiting for me to call him! Which really surprised me because I thought he would be too pissed to even pick up the phone and it would have been hella worse...but anyways...

    Thanx so much everyone :] !
    Last edited by crystalxwhistle; 16-12-10 at 07:33 PM.

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