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Thread: Am I being taken for a massive mug?

  1. #16
    IndiReloaded's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BackUpOrGetStng View Post
    Tell him that he is clearly keeping his options open, so you are going to do the same until he decides what he really wants. Simple.
    This^. Really tho, I don't know why you'd bother with such a baby.
    Second thoughts can generally be amended with judicious action; injudicious actions can seldom be recovered with second thoughts.
    --Cyteen by C.J.Cherryh

  2. #17
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    He sounds so immature doesnt he? I think he's just realised he's young and "free" and it just annoys me how he's flaunting it about everywhere. Good for you, stop making me feel crap hearing it though! You reckon he will get feelings back when we go back? I'm growing stronger by the day to just tell him where to go

  3. #18
    IndiReloaded's Avatar
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    Who knows? But that's not the important point. You should not be putting your energy into someone who clearly isn't that into you. You're addicted to this guy and he's no good. As a friend of mine used to say: get off the needle, Claire.
    Second thoughts can generally be amended with judicious action; injudicious actions can seldom be recovered with second thoughts.
    --Cyteen by C.J.Cherryh

  4. #19
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    See. This is what I get when I try to be nice, and help someone without bashing the shit out of them.

    Claire, you are a retard. You handled this wrong, categorically. If you two decided to not be together for the summer, then what are you getting mad at him for? He's free to **** as many girls as he wants to. Why were you even talking to him if you guys decided to call things off until you get back. What did you expect he would be doing? He may still want to **** you when you get back to school, but he's making it very clear that he doesn't want a relationship. Stop talking to him now, and don't even give him a chance when you go back to school. Ignore him completely from now on. Fool.

  5. #20
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    Haha, I'm sorry for being so frustrating! It was just really hard to let go when he never would let me! I would be strong and try and then he'd come on strong with all these deep feelings he had for me and I kept thinking maybe he is just sorting stuff out in his head still. And we sstayed talking during summer because when we left he vowed to "stay loyal" and it's very hard going from one extreme to the other, hard to just cut eachother off. A lot of feelings were still there. I can see over time with distance this must have faded away though and the same thing still sticks around, he doesn't want a relationship. I know that I move on and I am doing so, I've stopped talking to him and hidden his facebook etc it just makes me so uneasy that I will have to go back to uni and see him (we have the same friendship group) as a totally different person and being all lad-ish and single! Another knock back that's so unfair. The only thing I struggle to understand with his whole thing is how his feelings can totally go during the summer. I could tell that he used to like me a lot, it's hard to believe how this can just go for him.

  6. #21
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    You aren't around. It's easy to have strong feelings when you get to see the person. Much more difficult to maintain that. You weren't his girlfriend though, and he made sure of that, even if you did meet his parents or whatever. It's also easy to say things like, "I like you a lot." Don't act 'laddish' with him. Don't be rude but be short with him. If he tries to talk to you give him short, direct answers and don't ask any questions in return. If he asks you personal questions, like if you're seeing anyone, just tell him its not his business.

  7. #22
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    Yeah, suppose so. And hopefully he will be so caught up in finding girls when we go back that it won't even put me in that awkward position. Definitely not having a repeat of last year. Guess it just feels like I was confused for so long and now it's another smack in the face and I would have liked to have left our thing with the control. Over summer when we decided to leave it to stop the arguments it was a mutual feeling but blergh still have days I just remember all the good! hopefully he will look back one day and regret just a tiny bit maybe of what he's thrown away. He's too immature for me. And why is he now talking to me like a mate? telling me how the other girls will find me someone this year and how it's gonna be an amazing single life.. he used to get jealous a lot i find it hard to believe he genuinly will not care anymore! What a freak

  8. #23
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    Who knows, he might freak out if he sees you with another guy, but it doesn't really matter.

    He's talking to you like a mate, because you are responding like a mate. Start ignoring him completely.

  9. #24
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    Yeah, true. When we go back if he tries something do you think i should tell him i am not getting drawn into that again, i'm not happy being casual cos more feelings are involved so he's either with me or he's not, he can't have both.. Or just reject him and not say anything?

  10. #25
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    Reject and say nothing.

  11. #26
    Join Date
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    Thanks for all your advice

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