I'd love to visit Florida. I've been in the southwest all my life so I'm used to the sunny weather and I appreciate the sun, even if I see it 360 days out of the year. Much like a rich kid who doesn't take his priviliged life for granted. But here it's dry, as they say. Though this year is record breaking as far as the amount of rainfall we're getting. I'm sure with the rain we've gotten this season we've surpassed the past 5 years combined!
As far as school, I'm at the point where it sounds really good to go back to school for a while and do something I'm more interested in than engineering. I only went into that field because I was good at math and there's a good job market for it and to exploit that while not totally hating what I do. Now I don't see myself in engineering for the rest of my life. I'd like to go back to school and open up new avenues, but the timing has to be right and now is not the right time. I'll have to be as patient as I've been my whole life. I can wait.
But while in school I did something I would suggest against now. I rushed through it, trying to bust out the degree ASAP so I can hurry up and get on the the next phase of my life. But that totally burns you out and you really don't enjoy your time at school as I see you are doing. Good for you.
My sister is actually in the medical field..or trying to get there, rather. She's in a respiratory program and currently doing some clinicals at hospitals. I tell you, she comes home with some stories. Will you actually be working with patients or just developing the technology?
Happy early b-day. 24 is special because...because...well because "what's my name again" by Blink 182 won't apply to you anymore.
Take care..thanks for responding, Blue.
By the way..if you love yellow so much, why is your name blue? Maybe you also like blue..in which case green must be really great for you...mix yellow and blue, get green, best of both worlds!