Counseling has definitely crossed my mind, if not for the family then at least for myself. I'm sure that they are better equipped and have the tools to deal with this type of situation and can help point me in the right direction. My mother has a firm stance that counseling is not something anyone in her family needs and is only for crazy people. She has told me this since I was a teenager and seriously wanted counseling then to deal with a death of a close cousin. But I definitely think some one on one counseling is warranted for me at this point. If my parents were willing to sit in on a session later on that would be great but I'm not counting on it.
It is a very sticky situation indeed. As it is a new relationship, there's always the possibility it will not work out. But I shouldn't have to cut him out of my life prematurely because of someone else's opinions. What I want my parents to realize is that, whether or not this is a mistake, it is for me to learn on my own time. If for some reason it doesn't work out, then I need to go through that process myself of learning why it didn't work out. Nothing they can tell me from their past experiences will help me to learn what works in my own life.