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Thread: 15 & help needed

  1. #16
    Bo's Avatar
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    lol. that's very true carl. but the thing is she can't even get her feelings straight about knife. so no point really? i mean point is...go out and find another 15 year old girl who isn't pulling u back and forth.

  2. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by .Bo. View Post
    lol. that's very true carl. but the thing is she can't even get her feelings straight about knife. so no point really? i mean point is...go out and find another 15 year old girl who isn't pulling u back and forth.

    Exactly Bo, find the good ones ... I only add ... don't let the bad ones get away with it. Something she best learn at 15 lest she carry it until she's in her 20s. Call her on it, and let her know that random romantic behavior is not acceptable ... something she needs to be educated on.

    Last edited by carl1222; 22-12-08 at 12:21 PM.

  3. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Peter Pry View Post
    She changed her mind. She's allowed to do that. The entire point of dating is to find the person you want to be with. She decided that it wasn't you. That's too bad, but it won't be the last time. You moved very, very slowly with her when she wanted you. This is generally taken to mean that you're not interested, which makes her not interested. Confidence is attractive. Be glad that she was up front with you about it, be sad for a week or two, and move on.
    Peter, I don't see how I moved very slowly with her, the saturday before last we went to the cinemas, & on friday we went shopping. I was invited into her house during last week. Plus I had been talking to her for 2 weeks beforehand. On the contrary, I thought I was moving too fast, & she definitely knew I was interested.

    I understand the dating part, & how it is to find the right person, but later on she told me she would definitely like to go somewhere else with, & she also told my friend this.

    My minds a bit split at the moment, but I have decided not to take much notice in what my best friend says. It's not nice to say this, but she's sex obsessed, so thinks relationships are all about sex, when they're not. She thinks if theres no sex in a relationship, then why bother.

    It may be slightly outdated, but I've been thinking about the prom issue. She must have some interest in me for her to say yes, why on earth would she go with someone who she doesn't think is attractive, that would just be an embarrasment to her. She must like me in some way.

    I just get a hint from my mum & some other people that it's just not over yet...

  4. #19
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    she's fifteen and sex-obsessed?
    oh dear. are u sure she's not a slut?

  5. #20
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    If she's completely sex obsessed at 15 then she has bigtime mental issues. I'm thinking that's a huge red flag right there. It's one thing to have a healthy sex drive, it's another to just hump away at anyone you claim to be in a relationship with.

    Self esteem issues are likely, insecurity, low self worth. Hrm, bad home life, possible abuse. Divorced parents maybe, or at least parents that should be divorced. That would be my general theory and where I'd start asking questions.
    "Well, then," the Cat went on, "you see a dog growls when it's angry, and wags its tail when it's pleased. Now I growl when I'm pleased, and wag my tail when I'm angry. Therefore I'm mad."

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