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Thread: Why can't I get a boyfriend?

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    I agree with Nuevo on this one, Grk.

    Knowing that I can get sex on a regular basis, a lot of that urgency disappears. If I meet a female champion of flirt and banter, it's a lot of fun to let the tension build before a sexual firestorm.

    It's like spending a day doing hard work on an empty stomach - the meal at the end of the day tastes amazing.


  2. #17
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    Feb 2006
    I agree with Vashti- you shouldn't be pursuing marriage so young. Maybe you have a guardian angel watching out for you.

    Why don't you work on yourself for a while? Think of it as investing in your potential to catch a better husband if the right one comes along.
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  3. #18
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    Hey Grk, ever conquered a virgin within your time limit? Now that would be impressive.

    Anyway for me I think I would get extremely bored if the girl put out so fast. Whatever happened to a good month (at least) of preliminary oral sex? I mean sometimes she has to be worth waiting for right? Especially if she's a new attraction and you're first in line to ride.

  4. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by GrkScorp View Post
    But; O.K. I know what you mean..

    Think of it this way though.. you can have a whole range of women.. in that range, there are plenty of very attractive women, fairly attractive, cute, adorable, etc.. so sexually; you have options.. now.. think of non-sexually.. in that same range.. you have a whole bunch of women who are funny/smart/interesting/fun/high-energy/playful/creative/etc.. this ONE girl is NOT the only one.. she's in no way unique (with respect to looks or any ONE quality.. she obviously IS unique with respect to her combination of qualities)..
    Have you ever had that "chemistry" feeling happen to you!? What are you talking about? I still think of the last girl I had this feeling for. I would have given up the night will all the women in the world for one night with her.
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  5. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheSphinx View Post
    I agree with Nuevo on this one, Grk.

    Knowing that I can get sex on a regular basis, a lot of that urgency disappears. If I meet a female champion of flirt and banter, it's a lot of fun to let the tension build before a sexual firestorm.

    It's like spending a day doing hard work on an empty stomach - the meal at the end of the day tastes amazing.

    agreed. no question about it!!!!!!!!!

    but if the mood is right and there's a lot of tension already, why would you wait for two months????????

    it's not a race. you don't need to create all the tension in less than four days, but if it happens to be that on the fourth day it just feels so right, it's kind of messed up to just not want to let it happen. forget about the guy, even for you, what's wrong with you?????

    where are you from anyway?? do you have a picture??? maybe you just look very mean
    Last edited by v0ndutch; 15-01-08 at 10:19 AM. Reason: spelling

  6. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by janechild View Post
    I think I'm a fairly attractive woman, I'm smart, funny, artistic, a little weird, but what's not to like?! All the men that I've dated in the past 2 years have not wanted to commit, I'm 23 and I've always wanted to get married young. I feel so sad when they don't call back or only call once a week. I don't understand.
    First of all, you feel sad because of your experience and the hardship of obtaining a long lasting relationship. Once you are happy being all by yourself, you feel a lot better. And once you secure a long term relationship (and you will) you will blow your insecurity to pieces.

    As far as your questions go. What were the reasons why they didn't call back or didn't want to commit? Did you find out? It could be something to do with you or it could be something entirely unrelated to you.

    If you don't have the exact reasons, what were the signs just before these men decided to give up on you? What was their behaviour like and at what point did it change?
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  7. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by v0ndutch View Post

    but if the mood is right and there's a lot of tension already, why would you wait for two months????????
    I think that once you begin having sex, that sexual tension diminishes a little bit every time you do it. That tension is pretty much the best part, so I think prolonging it is a good thing. I mean, sex is great, but that tension is what you remember over time, the part you relive time and time again in your thoughts.
    Last edited by vashti; 15-01-08 at 10:42 AM.
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

  8. #23
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    look girl, I'm 20 and I can't even get no girlfriend!

  9. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by v0ndutch View Post
    where are you from anyway?? do you have a picture??? maybe you just look very mean
    Correct me if i'm wrong, but did you go to the Starbucks around Hunter College yesterday or the day before that?

    I looked at the gallery, and unless it's some freak statistical clash of odds; (since you say your from New York), i'm pretty sure I saw you..

    - White iBook
    - Gray Sweater
    - Blue Jeans
    - Sneakers
    - Black bag

    EDIT: If it's not you, that I have to carry a camera on me for the next time I come across this person; she's your exact twin..
    Last edited by GrkScorp; 16-01-08 at 10:05 AM.
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  10. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheSphinx View Post
    I agree with Nuevo on this one, Grk.

    Knowing that I can get sex on a regular basis, a lot of that urgency disappears. If I meet a female champion of flirt and banter, it's a lot of fun to let the tension build before a sexual firestorm.

    It's like spending a day doing hard work on an empty stomach - the meal at the end of the day tastes amazing.

    Yes, but you always wolf it down way too quickly, then you feel unsatisfied.

  11. #26
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    I'm in the same position that you are. I think that when you don't go out looking for love is when you find it... Or it finds you, rather. A lot of girls that I date only show their ideal side of themselves and then after awhile it all goes downhill. I just got done dating this girl who seemed awesome and had the same interests and personality as I did but then she wasn't afraid after a month or two to show me how much of a bitch she can be. On the other hand I just met a girl that showed me her true self the first time we went out so I would just really analyze yourself. Make sure its not you. Chances are, its not. A lot of guys just get dissinterested easily. Don't rush into something, get to know the person for a couple months before you start being official "boyfriend and girlfriend." That way you know what to expect. Hope everything works out for you.

  12. #27
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    People who purposely look for marriage instead of just letting it happen over time have a more likely chance of getting divorced. I have no statistics, but it's just common sense.

  13. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael6084 View Post
    People who purposely look for marriage instead of just letting it happen over time have a more likely chance of getting divorced. I have no statistics, but it's just common sense.
    I like this guy.

  14. #29
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    I feel like Tom Hanks with Meg Ryan gone missing in action..

    If this is some practical joke from the startbucks downstairs.. you've officially lost a customer!
    If you can't stop the Wind, then you can't stop the Storm.

  15. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by GrkScorp View Post
    - White iBook
    - Gray Sweater
    - Blue Jeans
    - Sneakers
    - Black bag
    yeah, I was actually wanting to take my picture off of the gallery for that exact reason. not because of you personally, but because I don't feel comfortable having people spot me out randomly. It would've really creeped me out if anyone walked up to me and said "hey, are you that person from love forum"?

    I wasn't ignoring you or anything, I just don't come on here much. But now that i've seen your face too, if I see you in person next time i'll try and say hi. although it would still feel very awkward. I don't know, lol. but anyway, whatever, I think that was me, that's usually the one I go to when i'm in the city, but I only go there when I have class, so you most likely saw me after my Film class. this feels so awkward, I feel so stalked, lol.

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