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Thread: Is saving your virginity really worth it?

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by vashti View Post
    The right girl for you will be happy you saved yourself for her, but as for me? No virgins, thank you. Then again, I am not a kid anymore...
    I heard that. I didn't put any real value on my virginity, since I had no religious reasons to, nor did it seem like that big of a deal. I knew I wasn't going to be the type who saved herself for her wedding night, or refrained from living with someone before getting married (of course, that was back when I believed in marriage/cohabitation).

    That's really a question of personal relevance. If, for whatever reason, you view your virginity as something "special" to save - go for it. It's your choice. Myself, I held the theory that "waiting for someone special" just tied sex too closely into love for my comfort. I don't think it's wise to make such a correlation, because as any jilted girl (or boy) can tell you, sex does NOT automatically equal love or commitment.

    As for virgins now? Eh - I'm always a bit nervous, but as long as I know there aren't any undue expectations placed on me beforehand, I don't really care. Virginity honestly means nothing to me.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    And I am the opposite of Glyph. Sex is a BIG part of love, it isn't love but is a big part of it....bigger then commitment and attachment. Virginity means alot to me in the girl...me being a vrigin? meh....only so I am not a hypocrite and a person who follows the double standard..otherwise I would be ****ing away my brains out.


  3. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    It's a bullshit social standard, just like homosexual marriage. It's BAAAAD, right?

    Who ****ing cares? It's just a virginity--all in your head, entirely. You'll **** once and you won't have it anymore. In fact, you never had it to begin with. Can you just pull it out of your pocket and be like, "Say baby, take this shit. Merry Christmas."

    Nah. Just **** and enjoy life. Enjoy it well.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    On here.
    Well from personal experience, I saved myself for the girl I would Love. I did love her and I did **** her and it was "magical" but dont let me fool you, she still left me. eventually the magic is gone whether you like it or not and it becomes discouraging. Entering a relationship with the same mindset as the girl your with is really what its all about. Just remember in the end that sex is really just a physical act, not a spiritually bonding experience (although it can be, but not everytime, that can usually only happen once or twice b4 its gone... it varies im sure though)

    Dont put value on your virginity. Its just unnecessary stress if you ask me.
    There are moments when one feels free from one's own identification with human limitations and inadequacies. At such moments one imagines that one stands on some spot of a small planet, gazing in amazement at the cold yet profoundly moving beauty of the eternal, the unfathomable; life and death flow into one, and there is neither evolution nor destiny; only Being. - Albert Einstein

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    I agree with Zach. It's not this magical thing that will tie someone to you forever. Your first time should be as nice as you can make it, but it's only the first time.

    I think you should concern yourself more with the best time, and keep trying to work towards that (a lifetime goal, as you can always imagine what you'd like to do next time that might make it even better).
    Spammer Spanker

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    On a trawler in the Med
    Is virginity worth saving? Depends upon whether you want to be a nihilist or not. Since I'd already had my virginity taken at the age of seven, I was a nihilist about it. I waited til I was in my late 20's before choosing to have sex, at which time my partner found it exhilarating but I found it depressing. So, if you want to make it special, then be careful to choose (if you have the luxury of choosing, that is) your first time and partner. That first time will effect the way you look at sex ever after.

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