Natural Family Planning
Birth Control Pill
Male Condom
Female Condom
Ortho Evra Patch
Depo Provera or other injectable
Even though I knew at 20 that I didn't want kids (and still don't) I wouldn't recommend getting her tubes tied. Many women change their mind. Especially as they get older.
What a dense thread.
Does she have a dental dam over hear head? Gribble, go check.
Five male condoms and birth control pills. Hell, have her throw on a female condom. Whatever the hell those things are. Got to be extra careful. I do not want to go sowing my seed in every field I plow.
God, so atrocious in the Old Testament, so attractive in the New--the Jekyl and Hyde of sacred romance.
-Mark Twain
If people are good only because they fear punishment and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.
-Albert Einstein
It was a joke.
Secondly I never believed that pre ejaculate carried sperm, and that the only reason why any doctor would say that it's even possible is to cover their own asses.
That chances is not only small, it's virtually minute, not even possible. A sterile man would have a better chance of getting a woman pregnant that pre ejaculate alone, would.
[url][/url]The more significant finding, however, was that most pre ejaculate samples did not contain any sperm and those that did had only small clumps of a very small amount of sperm which seemed to be immobile. A larger study is needed to verify these results. If these results are confirmed, they may dispel the myth that pre ejaculate fluid contains sperm.
Jesus Eco, is your middle name killjoy?
I use male condoms and birth control pills.
I voted female condom because I know no-one else would not.
Don't expect anything.
Female condoms scare me. I used one with my ex, never again.
I use male condoms.
..::.*Love is giving someone the ability to break your heart but trusting them not to*.::..