Yes BUT you have to take numerous supplements to compensate. I'll pass on the synthetic diet TY.
Yes BUT you have to take numerous supplements to compensate. I'll pass on the synthetic diet TY.
I don't hunt, but I fish...I don't mind beating a fish on the head to get it to my frying pan.
Well, I love's my steak but as humans we have to take numerous supplements anyway. Vitamin D is especially eccential to women your age and older smackie along with calcium supplements (just as examples). Just to warn all the ladies out there, they have linked a lack of Vit D and calcium to breast cancer and when I was diagnosed three years ago, I was extremely low in both. *end of public service announcment* :o)
We DO eat far more meat than our ancestors did. There's absolutely no reason for us to eat it every day. I do eat meat daily but far less than the average American, except on Sundays when I grill steaks.
It's not just all the crap Americans eat, it's the bloody amount too. The portions are ridiculous.
Cod from the ocean... piffle.
Try fresh-caught PACIFIC Salmon smoked on a BBQ. Now THAT'S good fish!
Don't get me wrong - Cod's ok. It's just not my first choice in fish. And don't be fooled - Atlantic salmon sucks.
You want real chicken from the sea try halibut steaks.....omg a taste of heaven.