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Thread: Societal Change

  1. #16
    Sonrisa's Avatar
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    ughm, i see too many colorful people. i'd like to live in a boring suburb for a change.
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  2. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by CAM View Post
    Isn't interesting that Western history indicates that each time a society has become more tolerant is usually approaching the end of its days of power and influence.
    I don't subscribe to that point of view. Most countries that approached the end of their power and influence made horrendous and horrific mistakes, started and lost wars and became stagnant, selfish and decadent, it wasn't a result of their tolerance. Just look at Nazi Germany and the Ottoman Empire.
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  3. #18
    DoesntMatter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CAM View Post
    Whether the Nazi's forcefully dissected people or not has nothing to do with individuals voluntarily doing it to themselves. Duh.
    I was talking about gender-changing operations

    Quote Originally Posted by CAM View Post
    The other comment about the Nazis...what exactly does that mean?
    That they were simply ahead of their time. Not that people are fuccked in the head for wanting to have their own gender changed

  4. #19
    IndiReloaded's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mishanya View Post
    Potentially, but it seems to be more of a change in the western countries which have more individual freedom. The overpopulated developing countries don't have the open gay communities and gay pride parades like we do because of the lack of freedom. Instead they choose the safety of anonymity over there. Give them more individual freedom and they will also come out in numbers, same goes for most gays through the history of human civilization. Ancient Greece for example which was tolerant to gays, it had a substantial open gay community though it wasn't as over populated as for example some present day African cities which have smaller percentage of people who are openly gay. I think mostly because they are scared to come out.
    This^ pretty much sums up my viewpoint. Tho, I think its more people simply wanting to experiment with options, possibly more than a true 'coming out'.

    People in our society are bored IMO. No real, meaningful goals. Most don't have the inclination to create their own productive amusement. I suppose this transgender stuff is such an outlet. Same for young teenagers experimenting with homo/bisexuality. Those numbers seem up as well.

    This is why I really support space colonization. There's a worthy outlet for humanity. Watch most of these side antics disappear when you are mining or GMing soil to support life.
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  5. #20
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    This is not the age of enlightenment, it's the age of look at me I'm a faggot.

  6. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by IndiReloaded View Post
    This^ pretty much sums up my viewpoint. Tho, I think its more people simply wanting to experiment with options, possibly more than a true 'coming out'.

    People in our society are bored IMO. No real, meaningful goals. Most don't have the inclination to create their own productive amusement. I suppose this transgender stuff is such an outlet. Same for young teenagers experimenting with homo/bisexuality. Those numbers seem up as well.

    This is why I really support space colonization. There's a worthy outlet for humanity. Watch most of these side antics disappear when you are mining or GMing soil to support life.
    Oh great, you think that gay people are just fuccking bored? Well why the hell would you send them to space? Think of all the shit they would do in a 0-gravity environment! They'd come back and probe us like the aliens!

  7. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by IndiReloaded View Post
    People in our society are bored IMO. No real, meaningful goals. Most don't have the inclination to create their own productive amusement. I suppose this transgender stuff is such an outlet. Same for young teenagers experimenting with homo/bisexuality. Those numbers seem up as well.

    This is why I really support space colonization. There's a worthy outlet for humanity. Watch most of these side antics disappear when you are mining or GMing soil to support life.
    Yes, there are alot of people who should be shot off the planet into outer space. Whether they colonize or not is another matter, of course

    But, I agree...they are bored because we live in a decadent society. When you are busy with just living/survival, you have a lot less time to think about what it would feel like to stick your dick up your friend Bob's ass or to wear your sister Jenny's panties. The latter is the result of an idle mind that lacks all sense of self-control.

  8. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mishanya View Post
    I don't subscribe to that point of view. Most countries that approached the end of their power and influence made horrendous and horrific mistakes, started and lost wars and became stagnant, selfish and decadent, it wasn't a result of their tolerance. Just look at Nazi Germany and the Ottoman Empire.
    Equating Nazi Germany to the Ottoman Empire??? Wrong-o.

    The Nazis were race based intolerance, the Ottomans were religious based AND were more tolerant than you would suppose. The dhimmi were second class citizens, but they had rights. The Ottomans became more tolerant beginning in the 16th c. under Suleiman...one of the downfalls of Ottoman governance was when he allowed the Janissary class to marry--thus diluting their loyalties to the throne.

    If you want to compare Nazi Germany to something in the Middle East, then you might think about the Grand Mufti in Palestine...after all, he was a Hitler loyalist during WWII.

  9. #24
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    it's all the oestrogen filled shite people are exposed to in skin care products and food and in the bloomin water from people throwing shit into the water supply down the sink and down the toilet. i'm so glad i'm not gay. i pity people that have to go through all the feelings and worries involved with being gay.
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  10. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by doppelgaenger View Post
    Oh great, you think that gay people are just fuccking bored? Well why the hell would you send them to space? Think of all the shit they would do in a 0-gravity environment! They'd come back and probe us like the aliens!
    LOL. I think its the other way around: bored people are calling themselves gay. I'm not describing bona fide homosexuals. I mean the people who think its a sexual lifestyle flavour, like 'chocolate chunky monkey' ice cream.
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