Yeah, you're right. Just not so good at the whole dating seen. I live in a small town. Only a few hundred teens live near me. I'm pretty socially awkward too, and emotionally attached. I just want to get over her if I can't be with her, so I guess I need some tips for recovery. I don't think I'm the worst guy out there though. I don't really want sex yet, I think I'm sweet, have been called sexy and stuff, I just need help finding someone and getting close. I don't know if I can hsndle a relationship with someone else if I could even find them.
I suppose you're right about the self esteem. I did feel like it was healthy, I still say it is. And I felt like I was on top of the world. I didn't care what others thought of me. Not even her, because I already knew. But seeing how short term it was, I guess you're right. I do see a therapist. We tend to argue a lot, and I am planning on getting a new one. I don't know if just talking to a person can help me that much though. It hasn't in the past. I am in Prozac as well. I want to get off of it though, because to me it is pseudo-happiness.
Guys, you're being a little overly harsh here.
OP - they ARE being too harsh, but they're speaking the truth. LDR's are fantasy land. Your former alleged GF doesn't love you. You do need to get over her and start dating locally.
You cannot impose your will on her - you cannot MAKE her love you again... or ever at all, apparently. It's hard yes, but it's time to move on.
Thanks. I never meant to get into a relationship, and we never were bf and gf because of the distance, but we still acted like it. She did break my heart though, and idk if I'm ready to give up on her. I feel like he's gonna mess up, and she'll realize how much she loves me like what happened the first time, and then she could move closer, or I just wait one more year until I go to Boston for college.
A good therapist just doesn't sit there and listen to you talk...they should be giving you different exercises that challenge your anxiety and talk you through how to set your mind to overcome what you are feeling. Yes if you are not getting results maybe find a therapist that specializes in behavior and social skills.
Should I go no contact?
He was my best friend, and did help me out through a lot of tough times.
Thanks. I know a lot of you probably think that what we had was really nothing and were not actually that close, but we were close. We did know each others flaws and our relationship wasn't perfect. We never actually were "together," but we still loved each other, and told each other everything. So it is hard to just say goodbye after a year of this, no matter how good it may be for me though. I still don't want to ruin my chances of getting her back, so I am hesitant of NC.
She's a woman with problem. Cut this you will get nothing out of this. Sorry man, be strong and take the right decision, she will respect you for that. I strongly recommend you that.