I agree that your boyfriend handled the situation poorly. It can be VERY nerve wracking for a new SO to meet their boyfriend/girlfriend's crowd. Most likely your SO has been talking you up to be this amazing person and you sure as hell don't want to disappoint after all that!

I agree with Indie, there are certain ways one must go about introducing a new person. Since this was your boyfriend's crowd it was up to him to help you out. And instead of scolding you he should've been offering constructive criticism. I'm sure you guys are pretty young still though. Many young people don't know the proper in's and out's in these situations.

I remember I was anxious to meet my boyfriend's buddies last year. He had so many funny stories about all of them which told me they were very important to him. I want to make sure that I made a good first impression. Lucky for me I'm long past the stage in my life where I care what people think of me, so I just make an ass out of myself in my own goofy way. We met up with a few of them at bar one night and I ended up drinking the night away, discussing traveling and college.

People really like it when you can be independent enough to the point where you don't require constant hand-holding. If your BF/GF has to spend 90% of the night trying to coax you out of your shell, it can be a real buzz kill.

It's really important to me that my boyfriend get along with those closest to me. I told my current boyfriend early on that it was very important to me that he and my friends get along. I spend a lot of time with my friends and I needed him to respect my need to have them close (especially since my family is 3,000 miles away). I made sure to introduce him properly and set him up for success, then he did all the rest. I appreciated his efforts immensely. It showed me how important I really was to him.