sounds a lot like my ex was the most talkative and flirtacious guy you'll ever meet. We went out for a total of 4.5 years and..i can say its really similar to urs because i was the first grl he cried for, stayed that long with, attempt to change for, and the first grl he loved. In the beginning, i was like you, i can't accept his flirting and stuff..he slowly changed for me..but one day he got really tired because he was forcing himself and he really got fed up with all the bullshit. We broke up, he went out with another girl in like a week, but within a month he came back to me and told me all these things bout how he really loved me. and i did take him back..but..i couldn't let it go, i couldn't let what he did go.

Ask yourself, if he comes back to you after that gf, are u able to accept it and act happy and not get sad about it when you guys are together. Are u able to not think and have doubts that it will happen again.

I ask myself that all the time till this day to make myself realize that no matter what, nothings going to change because i can't let go of what he did.

But if u can, im happy for you, because not much ppl can accept that. A lot of ppl has told me to fight for what i want, fight for him back..but I've tried and soemtimes u dont get what u want. He tells me he can't commit and wants to just have fun.

If he's moved on, so should you, dont wait for someone who wont wait for you, for he might not even come back. Don't waste your time when u can be doing other things that can make you happy.

I know it hurts, but sometimes, learn to be alone.