Well, I can't post link until I have at least 15 posts. So...this would be post #13.
And this would be post # 14.
And post number 15#.
And here it is: [url]http://www.loveforum.net/ask-female-forum/26667-friend-word.html[/url]
I was a "virgin" until I was 22.
Just do plenty of research on sex and you'll always have some kind of grasp on what to do, and what not do. That's what I did. And it worked out very well for me and my girlfriend when we got around to it.
i heard somewhere that girls look healthier if they're having alot of sex.
You're judging your own image already.
Virginity has nothing to be with being a loser.Accepting mistakes and being confident,having the guts to swallow the wrong is,the opposite of what a loser is.
I'll be 20years old on v'day.I'm still a virgin but yet,i'm sociable and popular with people in school.
People do often ask if i ever had a gf and they become shock when i told them i've never had a single one.Those who didn't know me thinks i've tons.
In most cases,people in my shoes would lie,saying they had a gf when in reality they do.
What does this all boil down to?-insecurity.
If you have the best and the worst,why aren't you afraid of what people think?
It's funny how people try to trample on the self esteem of those who are still virgin.But it's even funnier that those people who are picked on fail to realise that those people are insecure themselves.
I wouldn't be too sure about that.The girls[2] i met were really bad experiences.One was really intactful in rejecting me and the other was just emotionally confused[currently]
That aside,thought i'm the exact opposite of who i was 5-6 years back,i hold on those bad experiences with people.
Back then i was always pick on by my classmate,the entire class in fact because i refuse to partake in their monkey buisness of screwing up the class's lesson.For 2 years,i became one of the school outcaste.I belief people were superficial then,focusing on the superficial outer appearance and me being really nerdy and outdated then was an easy target for jeers and scorns.
Now,things are different,my dressing are way better than alot people and i have no problem making aquaintances and dumping them if i wanted too.It's as they say,if you have a money pot,you can afford to throw em.
I have to say that people are a dissapointment in my life.
I wouldn't justify my actions now thought.I'm quite stringent when it comes to making friends.Aquaitances are just casual thing to me.
As for going after any girl,i'm more than caution,guarding my heart.
I start acessing the girl's bg/family bg/personality and every thing and if there's a single probality that the r/s won't work out,i shut myself out.This is a loser way of dealing with things and i'm not excusing myself.
However,i rather be a loser to myself at least than going thro another hurt.It's pretty unfair when you're serious towards people and they throw you out of the window.
I keep telling myself that i never ever bow before a lady unless there's a personal exception.
Last edited by UKboy; 20-01-09 at 06:34 PM.
I'm 28 and I'm still a virgin
Mr. OP, A famous author once said "love like you have never been hurt". I think taking that to heart may do you some good in the future.
Also, kudos to never letting it go further than kissing.
Last edited by Jay T; 20-01-09 at 10:43 PM.
Some people walk in the rain so you can't see them cry