Cam, in addition to your own morals regarding affairs, here's something else to consider:
Aren't you hoping for a LTR or marriage, when you find someone compatible?
Spend some time thinking about the kind of woman you'd find suitable and what she is likely to think upon discovering you were 'the other man'. My bet is your type of woman would find that far worse than a turn-off, it would likely be a deal-breaker.
There's that horrible consistency in integrity concept again...
Anyway, my post is largely to help your justification for not going there. I think that decision is one you made long ago.
What's with the email only for the 'In Towns'? Can you step that up a bit?
Second thoughts can generally be amended with judicious action; injudicious actions can seldom be recovered with second thoughts.
--Cyteen by C.J.Cherryh