She sounds like she wants you to be your rebound man.
Here's something I found for your reading pleasure:
After a break up, a girl's heart is often wanting attention again so she'll take anything she can get. It's like an addiction, and anything you're addicted to is bad. Rebounding like this is just as bad as getting off one drug and onto another.
2) If there was a friendship before the relationship, then the friendship is at high risk now. The relationship may have a better chance at going through but it's still unlikely that her feelings are really true because she just needs the love, she may not actually love back.
3) A rebounding girl is like a bomb. Drop her and she'll blow up, toss her onto the next guy and she'll stay quiet. You don't want to be either the guy who drops her or tosses her on. Either the bomb blows up in your face, or you're one of the people who makes the bomb more deadly.
The best way to get a rebounding girl, is to wait until she's not rebounding anymore! Wait for the broken heart to heal and honestly guys, there is no way to truly tell if she's not in the 'rebounding' stage anymore, it's something you have to make an educated guess on.
General signs of a rebounding girl:
1) Clingy, or constant calling/talking/emailing.
2) Easily hurt by something you say that's not offensive.
3) Has a record of bouncing from one guy to the next.
4) After breaking up goes into a depression period.
5) Seem to come on very strongly or quickly.
6) Wants you to be like the last guy she dated.
Rebounding girls are nothing but trouble. They're moodier then most girls, are very, very sensitive, and are not their true selves. Don't be her rebound guy because you'll end up getting hurt, or feeling used. For a successful relationship, BOTH partners of a couple need to be stable and at least somewhat happy.
Last edited by Raze; 06-08-09 at 10:16 PM.
I will do my best to reply with an educated, humble and honest answer. Ultimately, it is up to you whether you want to listen to my advice or ignore it completely. Sometimes, my advice may be wrong; occasionally, it will be right. Regardless, I want to do my best to give people answers they are seeking.