yea... she doesnt want her mom to know so she prolly wont go to the doctor....
yea... she doesnt want her mom to know so she prolly wont go to the doctor....
Originally Posted by lilwing89
Honestly, to me, it sounds like she is having her period. Or she could be spotting etc. Plus, some women are very crampy and literally in pain when it happens, while others don't really have alot of cramps or discomfort.
Since she is sexually active, it would be wise of her to have a PAP test. Planned parenthood does those things and they keep things confidential. I think the main reason that Planned parenthood even formed, was to provide a place for teenagers who were sexually active to have access to proper birth control and to get examined without having to drag their parents into it all. So, my advice to you is to talk to her about going and then to have her get examined. While she gets the PAP test, then she can at least see whats going on. Also, they can have her try out the pill and inform her how to properly use it.
But, still stick to wearing condoms. You guys seem way too young to have to deal with pregnancy.
Appreciate the good times and learn from the bad times....
It's time to see the doctor and that's all I can tell you. Abnormal bleeding with pain can be signs of a bad problem. Her cervix could be irritated or infected. If you have only had sex with each other, I wouldn't worry about std's but if you've had multiple partners, that might be a possibilty. My sister was recently diagnosed with HPV (human papiloma virus). Women can be tested but men can't, and about 97% of sexually active males have it. You can get genital warts from it, and women typically develop cervical cancer. I really don't think that this is the problem, but there can be pain and bleeding from a cervix with cancer. It's easily remedied though! They go in and burn off all of the cancer cells. My sister is getting the procedure done soon, and they told her it is a little painful, but totally safe.
If she doesn't see the doctor, a serious problem like that could get worse. I live in the middle of freaking nowhere and we have a nearby planned parenthood chapter, so I'm sure you'll be able to find one. Just search on the web and you'll find one nearby.
Go to Heaven for the climate, Hell for the company.
YAY I AM SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!
shes not bleeding anymore, and shes all healed... musta been sore from sex or something.
im just so glad that its not something serious
Glad to hear it lilwing. But, she should still have a PAP test done. Once you are sexually active, its a good thing to have done yearly.
My sisters friend found out a few yrs ago that she has tons of fibroids on her uterus and on her ovaries. They actually had to go in and remove one of her ovaries. Also, now everytime she has sex, she will bleed for days. So, they advised her not to have sex. She is actually getting married this month. Her fiancee doesn't mind. What a thing to have to go through bleeding all the time that you want to have sex, and what a guy for being so understanding her and loving her even though this happens.
Appreciate the good times and learn from the bad times....
she prolly wont do that because she doesnt want her mom to know she is sexually active.
what is a pap test?
i think that i would stay with this girl rain/shine even if she couldnt have sex.