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Thread: w00t w00t ! I GOT A DATE TONIGHT !

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    How old is she? That is rather bizarre that she would just bail on the whole thing cause of her dad. My ex was very weird when it came to guys meeting her parents because he was so strict and scared alot of them. I came across as me and I was fine so things on the parent end went ok.

    Perhaps she's looking for someone who would be like "Who cares what your dad thinks, let's go! Yeeeehawww!" *grabs her and drives away with father running after with a pitchfork* Ok, silly example but you know what I mean. She might be after a "bad boy" type who would give her shit about bailing because of her dad but you be the judge of that. You're the one who talked to her for hours.

    Why is it that nice guys like us always have to deal with some kind of baggage? Your potential girl has parent-issues, my potential has "unhappy with boyfriend of 5 years" issues. Of course mine if flawed to begin with since he's not even out of the picture. But of course, we haven't had some kind of affair or anything. Just communication. The idea is creeping around though.
    3 out of 2 people have problems with fractions.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    England, Somerset
    Even my dad wold have issues with me going out with some1 that 3 years older than me and ive never met before. he wouldnt let me do it either. i think what she is saying is proobably true.
    - Claire -

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    South East London Borderline Kent
    I wish you the best. Hope you get to meet her sooon.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    if she loves her daddy a lot, you're gonna compete with his ideal of the perfect guy for her.
    "Don't be afraid to fail because only through failure do you
    learn to succeed." "Oh and be careful what you do...you'll never know who's watching..."

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    On Saturday (June 26th) Jeni's mother brought her over to my mom's house where me and my band were playing so that she could meet me. Her mother had planned to let her stay about 10 minutes and then take her back home.

    Once they arived I met her and her mother, and immediately her mother was impressed with me for some reason (i still dont really know why). She ended up letting her stay over there with me as long as I had her back home by 3am... Pretty damn late if you ask me...

    Well, we spent the day together, me, Jeni, and my band (well, wanna-be band i should say). I got to know her more and she got to know me. She stayed a bit quiet all day long, and she was kinda distant, so I figured she wasnt interested anymore or something...

    Well, we went back to my house and played some more, and watched 'Friday'. Then when it was over it was 11pm and Nick went home, and I drove Jeni home. When I dropped her off she reached over, grabbed my by the back of my head, and pulled me in for a HUGE ****ing kiss that was so ****ing amazing when we stopped the only thing I could say was "wow!" - She then smiled, got out and walked into her home and then i drove off...

    After about an hour or two of me being back at my house on the computer/guitar (i multi task the two - hehe) she IM's me and tells me how great of a kisser I am and she wants to be with me and all that blah blah mushy mushy crap. I told her the kiss was good for me too and blah blah more mushy mushy crap...

    Then I went to bed shortly after that.

    The next day I woke up at like 8am and replaced the damn alternater on the truck, then I mowed our grass, then I mowed my dad's job's lawn, then I took a shower, got a hair cut, picked up Nick to go to the batting cages and called Jeni to go too, but she never answered. So me and Nick went alone and blew like $80 up there in 2 hours. She called me back after like 30 minutes after I got there and I told her I wanted her up there to get her mom to bring her, she said her mom wont and I told her i am not going back into to town just to get her ... Then I let her go, and I continued to bat.

    After that Nick and I went back to my place and played the guitars and worked on the last chorus some more to 'Trapped' (its getting REALLY REALLY good btw). Then He left at 9pm and I took a shower and went to bed at like 930pm.

    At 1030 I was rudely woken up by a yahoo pm sound - And everytime I hear these sounds i get really curious and wont be able to go back to sleep until I see who it is. Turns out it was this 20 y/o girl from Clear Lake (about a 15 minute drive from me). She is single and looking also. So we talked for like 5, maybe 10 minutes and then she had to go. But she wants to talk to me tonight.. And thus far I think I would rather go for the 20 y/o instead of the 17 y/o just because of age diff...

    But anyways. Thats basically what has been hapening my weekend... ...... And with this whole "date" thing...

    Comments and feedback are welcome from everyone EXCEPT armyPunk. Just because I know he is going to say something stupid that has no meaning what-so-ever to this thread.

  6. #21
    Join Date
    May 2004
    You know there's one lesson its taken me almost 30 years to learn! I am always narrowing the field down to one player as fast as I can because I prefer to be in a relationship.

    Take your time, get to know both girls - you don't have an exclusivity agreement with either yet and then you can chose from there.

    I would be inclined to agree that the 20 year old would probably have more in common with you but don't be in a rush - or you may find yourself rushing into a mistake!

    I think the mistake a lot of us make is thinking the state-appointed shrink is our friend. - Jack Handy

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Heh. Good luck with that. Sounds like a really good match.

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Nov 2003

    At first this wasn't evident when reading your first post. You using some kind of online dating service right? If so, which one?

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    why, you wanna visit me?
    hmmm...well honestly, Billy I was kind of disappointed towards the end... I mean I know you don't even know her that well..but it seemed to me that you were already kind of falling in love with her (not really, but at least I bet you had the butterflies, eh?), but then you talk to some other girl too.

    It sucks that her parents have to invite themselves into her life so much, but I can damn well say she's missing a lot (on dating you) But so are you then... why not give her another chance?

    Sooo what's new? Did you talk to the 20 y/o? Talk to the 17 y/o? Lemme know!
    I have it all. Including kino.

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by dan_ford

    At first this wasn't evident when reading your first post. You using some kind of online dating service right? If so, which one?
    No dating service - the 17 y/o was browsing thru the yahoo member directory in her area, and found me - and a few days before that I was browsing thru it and found the 20 y/o but she was offline when i left her a message and she got back to me the other night..

    ok, well *** UPDATE ***

    I started to think i could just switch feelings from one girl to the next so easily that i am not ready for a relationship, and I told the 17 y/o that we will have to take things one step at a time. And I told her first step "friendship". Then she got all pissy and shit saying that i didn't like her, which is way untrue, killer, your right, i got the butterflies...

    I also talked to the 20 y/o for a few minutes, she seems to have a busy life just like I do.. Which shows responsibility, unlike this 17 y/o that sleeps all day and is up all night, with no job, and out of school for the summer (she goes to the 12th grade next year)...

    But right now, i am going to keep talking to them both, obviously try to talk more to the 20 y/o, but ya never know, she might be a bitch for all I know... Hell, maybe someone else will come along ? Maybe I wont end up with either of these girls.

    I have decided I will take my time. No more rushing in. Especially since I am still "unstable" with my emotions, obviously...

    *** END UPDATE ***

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    why, you wanna visit me?
    Oh, well. 17 year olds are nice to date though. She's probably got sprakling little eyes and opens her mouth at everything you say, acts sweet and tries to impress you with smart things to say (in her estimation). *teehee*

    Sigh, young girls are always filled with so much hope and trust in you. Then they get their genuine little hearts broken by some cruel commitment phobicity/player nightmare. *end of Cinderella story*
    I have it all. Including kino.

  12. #27
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    ...or they try so hard to act like they are older than they really are. thinking the guy isn't into the stuff SHE's really is into. guys like to act 17 more than a 17 year old girl wants to. wouldn't that seem like a perfect fit? hmmm...
    "Don't be afraid to fail because only through failure do you
    learn to succeed." "Oh and be careful what you do...you'll never know who's watching..."

  13. #28
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Killerbabe
    ..She's probably got sprakling little eyes and opens her mouth at everything you say, acts sweet and tries to impress you with smart things to say (in her estimation)...
    Thats what I dont want. I want an equal - not someone that thinks I am a God or something when I am not.
    Quote Originally Posted by Killerbabe
    ...Sigh, young girls are always filled with so much hope and trust in you. Then they get their genuine little hearts broken by some cruel commitment phobicity/player nightmare. *end of Cinderella story*...
    This is why I told her I want to take my time. Just in case something dont work, I dont want to break her little heart or anything. I want to be her friend and see how she really is, then if it grows into a relationship, then i wont stop it.

    But I am a firm believer in a solid foundation for anything (ask my little internet group, lol - long story). A good friendship is a perfect solid foundation for a relationship. And thats what I do. I build from the ground up.

    Why build the house without a foundation ? All it will do is crack, shift, and just fall apart over time... All the time/money/effort put into it would have been a waste, and plus peoples emotions go into this kind of house.. And everything in the house breaks along with it. I know. I built 2 houses without a foundation (not real houses, but you know what I'm talkin about)

    As for this 20 y/o, I just want to talk to her more online, see how she is, learn crap about her, then maybe start talking on the phone, then maybe meet in person as friends, and so on and blah blah.

    Every girl I meet will have to go thru my little process. No one gets a headstart or get to cut corners, and no one gets left behind.

    idk - it sounds kinda bad when you think of it that way. hrm.. idk how to say it. lol. oh well. I know what I'm talkin about. and thats all that matters to me.

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    so which hand is your date with tonight nerd? rosey palmer or rebecca righthand

  15. #30
    Join Date
    May 2004
    that's too much to read for me, lol

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