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Thread: Intelligence -- Intimidating or not?

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    BC, Canada
    In addition to a large number of other traits, intelligence is also something which would rate high on my list of priorities for both friendships and relationships. As stated above, intelligence comes in a variety of forms, none of which are necessarily better than the other.

    While my personal interests range primarily in the field of computer technology and women tend to be somewhat scarce in that field, I don't find intellectual conversation or intelligence to be intimidating by either sex.

    One concern which I have noted after observation is the tendency for some women to be unnecessarily restrained in conversation or participation, especially when confronted by an environment which could potentially be intimidating due to the large ratio of males to females in attendance. In addition, sexist behaviors on the part of certain men has also been known to create difficulties. A majority of women are aware of these problems and adapt accordingly, however on the part of women who are overwhelmed by the experience, people who fail to realize that problem could easily mistake those who are otherwise intelligent and good-natured to be exceedingly nervous and therefore not worth the interaction.

    I have never believed it appropriate to rate people soley on intelligence, as there are many other factors which can influence both the perception and interpretation of those traits.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    I hate stupid ppl. lol. simple. I would love to find an intelligent person. I am very inteligent myself. I may not have a wide vocabulary, nbut I can use context clues to figure out what the hell your sayin... but anyways... I have alot of knowledge of alot of subjects. Religion, Science, Politics, Space, Computers, Electronics, Weather, The Earth, etc etc... the list goes on and on...

    When I was with Destine she would always wonder how something worked or why it does what it does. The I would explain it to her so that she would understand. And then she would get mad at me because "I made her feel stupid". It wasn't my fault she really was stupid. lmao !

    So yeah - I wouldn't say I want a brain - but I want someone that not going to get mad at me if I know more than her on certain things. BUT at the same time I dont want someone thats so smart that they are always contradicting me and my knowledge (not correcting me, but flat out saying I'm wrong and I know I'm right), or trying to out smart me on everything just so she will feel smarter. Robin was like that with me in the English and vocabulary department. I would talk to her or anyone around us and she would but in and corrent my 'proper english'.

    Like if I said "you and me need to talk" - she would but it with "you and I..." and all my friends and family were getting annoyed with it it was so bad. hmm.

    So yeah. I want someone thats not going to get mad if I am explain stuff and someone that is not going to knock me down in the ground because i dont know something.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    stupid people make for one-niters...so i was told. but when you want long term things, stupid is as stupid does...

    women don't believe me when i tell them that i fall in love with how a woman talks to me when she's looking at me, but i won't turn down any kind of booty...

    no sense watsoever...
    "Don't be afraid to fail because only through failure do you
    learn to succeed." "Oh and be careful what you do...you'll never know who's watching..."

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by sfalexi
    ...we both learn from each other. So the more we hang out, the smarter we both get...
    I love ppl like that. I have a friend now that I talk to everyday on the internet. We are both really good hackers and we both know alot about computers (hardware and software wise). I met him about a year ago, he stumbled into my little secret place I made for myself on the internet and I freaked out on him and started to attck him. Then he blocked everything I did to him and started to attck me. We both faught like this for prolly 8 hours straight blocking what the other was doing and dishing out the best attacks we both had. It was fun. Then I stopped attacking and just blocked until he stopped attacking, then we talked about it. We been friends ever since.

    I know alot about hardware, but he knows more. I know more than him about networking. We both do web design, he is better at design, and I'm better at coding the shit. I am a C++ programmer, he is a VB programmer. God, the lists just go on and on.

    We starting to talk alot together and we eventually just started putting our knowledge together to better everything we were doing before we met. I teach him things, and he teaches me things. We can be working on a project and I will think of something he couldn't think of and then I can do it, and he can do the same for me. 2 heads ARE better than 1. Together we are unstoppable on the net. Its awsome.

    Eventually our little team has grown slightly. We now have 2 other hackers with us. So now we have 4 heads working on things and bettering everyone else. Except for MrBurns... he is our group drunk - much like illusional is to here, hehe.

    So we have our little group and we all learn from each other.

    I also had these little groups in high school. For some reason I am good about starting these kind of groups. Eventually someone finds me and we start talking then other people walk by and stop to join. then next thing you know its a whole group of like 25+ people sitting in a circle at school all sharing their lives and experiences to teach everyone else. We all walked away from the groups knowing alot more than we did before we sat down.

    I have to admit, I think my maturity level is as high as it is because of these kind of groups. Also my IQ. People say that every book you read makes you smarter. This may be true, but if you REALLY want to be smarter and mature faster, start groups like this. You will start to see other points of views on things that you never would have seen, you will hear about things that you have yet to experience, all kinds of great stuff.

    I even had a trivia group in high school. It was our biggest group. we had about 50 ppl that would gather in the band hall in the morning and we did nothing but pop-quiz type answers. Not always school related, mostly life related, or dating, or fighting, or something. But there were some school related questions. We tried to ask questions that we thought no one else would know. That was the goal. To stump EVERYONE in the group. Then we would say the answer and everyone would learn.

    hehe - look at me - I'm babbling again. lol

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    lol. Billy,

    I just now have this picture in my head of like you, angelina jolie, jesse bradford, and others like tapping into companies, finding out secret shit, and taking swims on the top of skyscrapers . . . .

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    LMAO !

    Brilliant !!!

    there is just one prob with your picture - I am in Houston, Ian is in Canada, MrBurns is in Holland, and Odin is in Detroit. We have never met in person - just in our little world we created. So there's no swimming on skyscrappers. hehe

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Or so they SAY that's where they are. . . (unless you've like pinged them and determined through their DNS where they are and shit like that . . .)

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    I know exactly where they live. I got them down to their home addresses. I am good at what I do

    None of us in my group can be pinged - we have pings blocked at ISP level

    Our DNS is fake - we have masks over it so you cant trust them.

    But I have done traces and take overs and routed to them and such. So I know where they are exactly in the world. Ian was the easiest to pinpoint. and MrBurns was the hardest for me. But I have them all pinpointed and they all (except Odin) have me pinpointed.

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Which is what Billy? STALKING????? j/k man
    everything happens for a reason...beginning to wonder why.

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    there is no such a thing to me - it is a matter of security.

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Oct 2003

    Billy, did I ever tell you that I think you're a really nice guy and that you're a really nice guy and really nice? [Looks out the window for incoming hacked missiles . . . ]


  12. #27
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    OMFG-that shit is hilarious Alexi! OMG I almost choked on my chicken!!!

    OMFG I cant stop laughing...
    everything happens for a reason...beginning to wonder why.

  13. #28
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    LMAO ! no worries alexi - we are the good guys

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    yea as Billy hides behind his screen snickering...plotting and planning...
    everything happens for a reason...beginning to wonder why.

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    oh - god - now i have changed my appearance to you all - I'm no longer the gay guy - but now I'm a nerd with big thick black glasses with the white tape and sits in his room in the dark with nothing but the light from his monitor lighting up the room and he snickers and types away 1000 mph...

    this is not good. lol

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