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Thread: Too much pressure

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    You didn't understand, we didn't have sex, we just slept holding hands and stuff... I didn't have a sleeping bag so she offered and I accepted.

    I wasn't afraid to kiss her, I just didn't feel I liked her enough to do that... Now that I look back I think I acted in my best interest, since she likes someone else and this way I didn't get attached...

    It was fun anyways, so...
    Last edited by okapa; 04-01-08 at 09:43 PM.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Stockton California
    i'm with kromat, but dude just let it play itself out, there is no need to rush into things, you see even if your friends are getting girls that they don't like, it really deep down does nothing for them other than to say that they have a girlfriend, the time that you spend waiting for the RIGHT girl will make it that much more special when you do find her

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