I agree to them, cut all the ties with that girl. Dude she's just making fun of you and she's not serious. You should not worry and should be happy that you didn't marry her. Just go look for someone who deserve your true feelings. On the other hand, there's no Rape that happened. this is total BS. She agreed on it so no case should be file against you. Don't get stress up, make your self busy on something else so you can easily forget her. Why don't you just enjoy life go to beach or bar. Hangout with your friends, that's what we do when we are down and lonely, we go to beach here in Panama, smell the fresh air and breeze of the sea. Stay and have fun all night long. You should be okay just forget about that girl.
Gustavo Woltmann
“Writers pay a lot of attention to wordage, because some publishers seem to care more about length than about quality and will automatically reject novels that don't fit their narrow standards of length - or will chop out extra wordage to make a novel fit.” - Piers Anthony, On a Pale Horse