Definitely a lot of anger bottled up.., and that's understandable.., that's what happens with miscommunication & misunderstanding.., everything keeps building up.., inside.., all this pressure.., and then either here and there.., or just one day.., BAM! it has to come out.., as for casting blame back and forth.., that's good.., it's funny how long both of you may go at it.., until you realize something about that back and forth.., that it's not one-way.., communication works both ways.., communicating.., and understanding.., and if both of those don't work together.., there's a breakdown in the whole process..
You BOTH need to effectively communicate to the other person.., and you BOTH need to effectively understand the other person..., a breakdown in the process is not just one person's fault..
If you can't stop the Wind, then you can't stop the Storm.