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Thread: The girl i like still has feelings for her Ex!!!

  1. #16
    King Zarathu's Avatar
    King Zarathu Guest
    here's an idea..

    all of your posts, and the first post of this thread you made.. tell her. tell her EVERYTHING on your mind, and how bad you feel and how much you want her.

    remind her that the only thing you've done was love her and her ex does nothing but treat her like shit.

    be VERY calm, strong, and secure.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Cape Girardeau, MO, USA
    Thx everyone for yur opinions. they are greatly appreciated.. i think i'm just gonan wait for a whiel and give her her space to see what she wants..and then i'll probably go all out and tell her said LTsK8eR2gO

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Try a speaker, that might work

    LTs n blue >> nope, i am not a virgin....i think. i lost it exactly 8 days and 20 minutes ago

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    South East London Borderline Kent
    Snap! I'm not a virgin either! Although I lost it.. quite a while ago. Hehehe. Like on Feb 20th..? Hehehe. Not that I remember it exactly...

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    oh well. that is good for u. but not good in my country. if ANYONE finds out....i am sooooo dead

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Cape Girardeau, MO, USA
    OK i got a bit of an update.

    Well yesterday my friend was chatting to this chick and they happened to talk about us. So my friend asks her if she would ever want me as a friend who might be something more or a permanent friend. She said she thinks she wants me as a permanent friend, she's not even sure of what she wants. She kept talkign about the same topic and he kept asking the same question and she kept saying "I think". Now correct me if i'm wrong but if you don't like someone ro don't see someone that way would you be like "I think" or just say "NO". Well i need help.. i want to know if i should continue making the effort to talk to her or should i just give it a rest for a while, and persue this at another point of time...keeping in mind that things with her ex are getting better... she says she's probably keeping her hopes up too high about him and that she's not sure if anything is gonna come of it...

    Secondly. i want to know. IF you've been dating someone for a yr and then broken up how long do i wait before i know she's ready to get back into dating again. 'cause she had been dating her ex for 1 yr and they've been broken up for like 7 months now. ..Perosnally i dated my first gurl for 4 and a half yrs and then i didn't date or bascially didn't want to date for a yr alteast..

    This is really irritating me since i love this gurl to death.. and to know that i can't have her makes me feel depresed everytime i think about her and basically spoils my whole day ahead. Thx for yur respones in advance..


  7. #22
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    I think that what you need to do, hard as it may be, is to try and move on for NOW. Don't smother or pressure her, box her in a corner. It's been my experience that whenever I do that and chase them off, they seem to come back eventually. Often times too late.

    Try dating other girls, and don't compare them with her. It's like that old Rolling Stone's song "If you don't rock me, somebody will."

    Leave her alone. It's up to HER to realize what's she's lost.

    Disclaimer: I'm great at giving advice but I suck at listening to myself.

  8. #23
    King Zarathu's Avatar
    King Zarathu Guest
    Definately.. You need to move on.

    My words of wisdom to you:

    Quote Originally Posted by LTsK8eR2gO
    Every emotion is a choice

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Cape Girardeau, MO, USA
    Great thx guys for yur opinion.

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    you can't tell her to dump her ex. that's not your part. i suggest leaving her alone to sort out her feelings.

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