yeah, believe me I know that! It's just harder when it happens to you. Also, pretty much everything has been put out there- every time it comes up, it gets resolved eventually, in fact it's becoming kind of a pattern.
Last time was much worse though, because usually we are very level headed "arguers", ie, we don't become rude or debate about crap that doesn't even really matter. Usually we actually come closer together afterwards, because we've resolved something that was standing between us. This was different because I felt he wasn't playing fair on me.
for instance, one convo went like this:
him: I've been honest therefore I have no reason to feel guilty
me: you said you felt guilty yourself. and secondly, honesty does not automatically absolve guilt. (I gave an example of this.)
him: that example is ridiculous.
me: no it isn't; it clearly shows that honesty does not auto-absolve guilt.
him: (and I quote..) "I wonder if you don't realize that I know very obvious things."
Ooh, suddenly i'm right, but i've insulted him by saying the obvious, which he at first opposed! it struck me as the most pathetic, desperate way to turn my argument against me.
He also said that he had never been consulted or talked to about exclusivity in the summer before I booked the flights.
no, I didn't. I DID however ask if I could live with him, to which he said yes.
seriously, nobody would agree to live with someone for 3 months if they didn't want to be exclusive. What was he gonna do, say "hey honey i'm home, btw this is my date. Would you mind waiting outside for a few hours?"
that kind of sneaky arguing isn't really debating a valid point or trying to come to a conclusion, it's just trying to weasel around with the words to absolve yourself of any responsibility. Not only that but it's almost like lying. He KNEW that living with me would mean exclusivity. Innocently saying "but you never said..!" is a sneaky technicality that has NO relevance to the main argument, or to reaching a compromise, it just tries to place blame.
That is no way to 'fight' fairly. If you love the person, you should be trying to avoid bullshit arguments and try to understand what they're feeling, tell them what you're feeling and try to *resolve* and compromise. Once that goes out the window, it is a completely different game. One we'd never played before; sure, I've gotten upset and hurt by things said before, but they weren't sneaky things like this, and I could later forgive them without a second thought.
he took the absolving himself of guilt thing so far, he basically said "I'm not hurting you therefore I don't feel guilty" (yeah, the "therefore I don't feel guilty.." thing was basically the main theme)
endless convo after convo was just about stuff like this, and I just kept arguing back.. at the point when you're trying to convince your lover to at least acknowledge that this is hurting you, you know something is ****ing wrong.
then he apologised, and did say sorry for hurting me.
I guess whenever something silly annoys me I think back to this. It's like my comms teacher said. If you say something hurtful, it does not matter how drunk you were or how sorry you are, you cannot make it go away.
(edit; kinda reminds me of something that my dad said.. We were having dinner, and my brother teased my about something and then quickly said "just kidding", and my dad said "I just read an article about how saying 'just kidding' doesn't really make any difference to the person".. so true.)