I wish I had such a good man in my life.
I wish I had such a good man in my life.
Bombboy meet Sadie... Sadie meet Bomboy. Sadie wants to be lonely and taken care of while you complain that she's talking to other men but doing nothing about it.
maybe I should rephrase my original question. I am not looking for tips on what to do, more of the best way to approach it instead being like a bull in a china shop and being an asshole
See, that's your problem. How you're acting with her now is what makes you an asshole. Looking out for your own best interests and taking care not to be taken advantage of is not you being an asshole.
You do realize that the chances are VERY high that when she gets her degree and finds a job (after you've paid for it all) that she's going to leave you, right?