You speak the truth Giga. I got my petunia back in the gym today. It was great. Now I just have to make it a habit again.
You speak the truth Giga. I got my petunia back in the gym today. It was great. Now I just have to make it a habit again.
Actually, there is solid research showing starvation is actually linked to longevity. In mice, LOL. But I agree with your sentiment about healthy eating and exercise.
FYI - the starvation effect seems linked to insulin response:
[url=]Fat Old Mice Sever the Tie Between Fit and Trim - ScienceNOW[/url]
Second thoughts can generally be amended with judicious action; injudicious actions can seldom be recovered with second thoughts.
--Cyteen by C.J.Cherryh
Lailak, I think the problem psychologically is that you're really only concerned with you're. Weight as it relates to how you're viewed by the outside world. Jus about everything you said dealt with an unconcious desire to be accepted ata certain size based on the standards you believe everyone is holding you to. I understand the pattern of taking on your boyfriend or girlfriends habits. Ivm a personal trainer and I've been coaching track and field for the past 10 years. But there was a summer where me and my ex spent every other day eating pizza. Do you know how happy we were when pizza hut had that deal where you get a medium pizza for 5 bucks after getting one at normal price? Needless to say we both suffered the effects. I've always gotten compliments on my physique and she was a head turner if I ever saw one. But we looked at each other one day......smh. i'lll just say we weren't pleased. But all it took was regularly working out and cutting down the pizza nights. In no time we were back to "normal". Lol.
I think your issues both psychologically and physically can be corrected by thinking more about real life logical goals about your health. Not what others may assume(including your bf). You can still "eat" as long as you stay active.