Personally I always think that flirtings better with a bit of banter back and forth. Kinda like a light hearted argument over something trivial. Maybe the girl you're after watchs some TV show that you think is totally crap and you just pick holes out of it while she defends it. Of course, this would only work is you already knew each other to some degree and neither of you were taking what was said in a serious way. That can work.
Its not for everyone though, so other effective flirting method might be to tell her a funny story that either happened to you or something on the news or a TV show that you can make fun of and laugh about together. Anything where laughter or some kind of amusement factor is involved I thinks best because if you're both laughing a lot, you're more likely to hit it off.
"Every once in a while, declare peace. It confuses the hell out of your enemies."
-Rule of Acquisition 76.