Quote Originally Posted by VincenzoG91 View Post
I'm ENTJ, though just barely J. My girlfriend is ISTP, though just barely I. In the end, I gave up on getting her to okay behavior. If something is really important to me, I drive separately. If something is really important to her, she may still be slightly late despite her best efforts. Because of other problems that she has run into, at work and in school and dealing with other people, she has gradually gotten better. And she now sets all of her clocks 15 minutes ahead to trick herself into being on time. The only clock in our apartment that tells the correct time is my alarm clock.

Oh, and I learned to stop trying to label things around her or extract firm promises. I completely trust her and know that she is a good person trying to the right thing, so I just go with that and wait for things to become so obvious that no label is necessary.
Wow! That's really great advice. Thank you so much! The girl I've been seeing sounds almost exactly like your girlfriend. She got very annoyed with me recently, after she canceled a date at the last minute, and then I tried to arrange something else, and said, "Do you think we can make it a definite this time?" Oops!

When I call her on something, she gets upset but says "I hate being unreliable". Guess I've never experienced this kind of person on an intimate level. Makes sense that none of my friends are like this, as I'd unconsciously choose friends who are similar, or at least complementary to me.

I'm glad I've studied NLP and have a background in anthropology It's like getting to know an alien, LOL! But she's lovely, and I'm rapidly learning she means no harm. Hopefully it'll work out, but I'm certainly going to learn a lot either way.