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Thread: Another Super Hero Thread...

  1. #16
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    No, sweetie, YOU are a dork. Everyone else who likes superheroes (except for Zekk) may well be a loser.

  2. #17
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    hmm , it seems to me that you judge ppl because if the smallest things .

  3. #18
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    It seems to me that you are WAY over-sensitive. Are you male or female?

  4. #19
    Junket's Avatar
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    "Hot Love Pancake(s)"
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    Seriously, you guys gotta turn your sensitivity dial down or you're gonna make LF a very miserable place indeed.

  5. #20
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    why do you assume that im over-sensitive ??? you dont even know me ... see i WAS right , you DO judge ppl way too fast ...bet you your a female ...

  6. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Late_vamp
    why do you assume that im over-sensitive ??? you dont even know me ... see i WAS right , you DO judge ppl way too fast ...bet you your a female ...

    No superheroes for me.
    Live together. Die alone - [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvi_RCM3FAM[/url]

  7. #22
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    That's it - this is WAY too much for me to handle - I'M LEAVING - for good this time!

    I'm Just Kidding! (I don't think that joke is funny anymore) - maybe I bring other peoples' hopes high - (the fact that I may leave). And then, all of a sudden, within the next two days - BAM.......I start posting again....lol

    But on a serious note - Superheroes aren't for Dorks, or Loosers. And if you think they ARE for dorks and/or loosers, then that shows how much you really know.

    I don't have the time right now - but maybe I will one day write a little synopsis of the effects a superhero can have on an impressionable kid (like me when I was a wee wee child).

    We are not dorks - we are not 50 year old men playing with action figures. We are 22 year old men, simply reflecting on our past experience with the big screen, and/or Saturday Morning Cartoons (I thinks that's what American's call it).

    -I most identify myself with Batman - I REALLY want to see Batman Begins (Havn't had the chance) - but I remember seeing the very first Batman in the Cinema - and I was BLOWN AWAY!

    .....................It's amazing the kind of effect movies can have on young kids - you must understand, I was a very imaginative kids (like everyother person here also was)

    I believe, those who identify with superheroes, are/were more imaginative as a kid - we are more fun people to be around. We explore internally (primary), and then externally (physically)

    Those who identify with superheroes, also have some sort of inner struggle (it's part of the DEFINITION of a superhero)

  8. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frasbee
    You play that game?

    How is it?

    I've always thought about pickin' it up.
    Its a really great game! Ever played World of Warcraft? Its kinda like that, but has alot more options. Really cool stuff!

    Evil School!!
    May not be on LF as much, due to unforeseen circumstances.
    Blame College and Homework for Everything!!

  9. #24
    Junket's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fawn
    Its a really great game! Ever played World of Warcraft? Its kinda like that, but has alot more options. Really cool stuff!
    Wait...do you have to pay to play?

    And yes Vamp, as of right now you're on my "too sensitive" list.

    Which I just created last night...

  10. #25
    Tone's Avatar
    Tone Guest
    LoL, you big video game guys check this out:



  11. #26
    Junket's Avatar
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    That game is great!

    Interesting article by the way...

  12. #27
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    In front of this screen.
    hmm, before you decide to start pointing out how "dorky" or how much of a loser someone is because of their hobbies, perhaps you should take a closer look at yourself and how you spend your time throughout the day?

    Let's take a gander shall we?

    Whose the loser in this picture?

    As far as comics go, I've been into them for about 14 years or so. I've always wanted to draw for comics, but as a realist I understand that my skills are nothing compared to some of the badasses of the industry. I do attend Art School and love drawing, but my style is so much different than realism that it would be difficuly to land a job. I've got sort of a Mignola style. The best usage of my time would be in film rather than comics though. Someday!

    I've been to every San Diego Comic-Con for the past 7 years or so and always like to attend. I have a collection of over 3,000 or so comics, most likely worth anywhere from $10-$30,000 or so. I honestly don't read current comics at all, I am a collector of old issues I used to be into back when I was younger and couldn't afford them as a kid.

    As far as who I relate to, I would have to say old school (Infinity Gauntlet) Thanos. He is the epitamy of who I have always related to in his quest for power and dominance. I never was the strongest or fastest or coolest back in high school, and his power and greed has always sort of reminded me of myself.

    [URL=http://www.immortalthor.net/bio-thanos.html]You can read more about Thanos here.[/URL]


  13. #28
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    Ah Thanos. Never read any comics about him but I liked him in Marvel Vs Capcom 2 (Video-Game).
    Live together. Die alone - [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvi_RCM3FAM[/url]

  14. #29
    Junket's Avatar
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    "Hot Love Pancake(s)"
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    Damn Shh, you beat me in average postage!

    I only got 14.99 posts per day.

  15. #30
    Join Date
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    How do I find out my average posts/day?

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