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Thread: Economy: Anybody feeling it?

  1. #16
    DoesntMatter's Avatar
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    Yes. 25% of employees at my dads work were cut the Friday before last

    I really hope government jobs and managerial jobs catch up with the losses in real industry, because they all leech off of wealth generated by other people

  2. #17
    bluesummer's Avatar
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    We had a meeting at the bank the other day re: the recession.

    Was nervous going in, b/c the boss says the bank as a whole needs to cut about $40m in spending this year....however, no layoffs or cutback of hours. We just can't hire anyone else unless the position is essential. Bonuses are being scaled back. Nothing TOO major, thank god. I feel lucky to still be employed at this point in time.

    As for feeling it......not really. I'm going on vacation to Arizona next weekend. Bringing my golf clubs. It's a hard knock life.
    Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. - Mohandas Gandhi

  3. #18
    DoesntMatter's Avatar
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    I like how while Kodak was announcing huge layoffs, their douchebag CEO Antonio Perez was getting a $16 million bonus or whatever

    I think the government should cut back on salaries for government employees by a large portion like everyone else is. Pensions should also be cut back like everyone elses is. Worthless (about a half) of government jobs should be phased out, because for every one of those people working someone else needs to generate wealth FOR them

    One of my friends here told me that because of how long his mom had been working at a school, when she dies my friend will get $60k per year for the rest of his life. I have NO idea how this works or what kind of pay that is called, but this kid is very smart and definitely not one to make things up. That REALLY pissed me off, because that $60k is gonna come off of someone elses back


    I hope managerial and service sector jobs get their shit tossed by this economy too. UNFORUNATELY, they'll be the last ones to get hit. When the wealth shrinks its the people in actual industry who generate the wealth that get hit first. Kodak is STILL topheavy despite all their layoffs. The wealth generated by the engineers is just being pocketed by managers until nothing is left and they close the doors

    So many people in this country have jobs that generate nothing, it's like a fuccking vacuum

  4. #19
    bluesummer's Avatar
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    I think 'unnecessary' jobs need to be cut back....on all levels.
    Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. - Mohandas Gandhi

  5. #20
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    This is why I am going into academia. There is always a need for that.

  6. #21
    Join Date
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    Dad's feeling it.
    Used to rake in $500/day,now he takes in much lesser...
    This whole depression is gonna last for few years.I'm glad i'm still studying and will be entering the army for my national service next year.
    I get $700 from the govt a month too.

    Last edited by UKboy; 15-02-09 at 08:00 PM.

  7. #22
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    the people who are feeling it the most would be the factory (sweatshop) workers who supply our stores.
    baby ya hustle. but me i hustle harder.

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