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Thread: The pain is almost unbearable...

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Currently: Flagstaff, AZ Planning to move to Johnson City TN soon
    I know you're right. I'm a really bad softie though (which I need to work on)


  2. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Georgia, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Lurch
    She says the other guys are only "distractions"...
    I've re-read your posts, Lurch and have to say: No. SHE'S the distraction.

    Lose her and be done with the selfish bullshit she's trying to hand you. Five will get you ten that it won't be long before you learn she's a drug addict, or has become one. People who can't control their impulse to acquire immediate gratifications usually find the darker paths to them.
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  3. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    lurch---don't be upset. people get confused about what they want sometimes. what they want and what is good for them are two different things. she needs you and she is learning that. and if she gets on with her little fling then tell her to have him give her food and gas money.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Bottom Of A Well
    I'm sorry to hear about the whole situation, but I think you're much better without her.
    > The first time she said she would come back but she wouldn't promise to be
    I'm not sure about the rest of you, but I'd be less than vaguely amused if I was told that... Does she think you're a 7eleven?!? ... and again I gotta ask ?!?!?!?!?! /boggle

    I think you have to stop "seeing" her as the girl you loved and married those three years ago, and see her for the person she is now. I'm not sure about you but I have a really hard time being with a person I can't trust.

    You can only try so much before you have to pick yourself off the ground, bid her good luck and just walk away and never turn back...

    and oh, on a side note... The hell... dropping something like that on you.... On your way out to work.... at 4am nontheless... It's like gee thanks, that'll make the day at work just fly by...np! - People these days ;/

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Georgia, USA
    Could it be, too, that, not only are you a softie, but because you have a Southern accent, she also thinks you're stupid enough to go on being treated like dirt, giving her her cake and letting her eat other men, too?
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  6. #21
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Lurch, It has to be rough to let someone treat you this way and still take it and still love them and even worse still take them back at the drop of a dime that is the saddest thing and you know I have been there. You have to stop and give your self some credit and know you deserve better. One way to do this is by meditating on this thought. Meeting a wonderful woman, imagine her as the perfect woman(beautiful, sexy, smart) for you, that will care for you and take care of you, be faithful to you and that you can do the opposite for and that loves you and dosen't have eyes for a single other man, just you. Hopefully soon enought you won't want the old one and you will find what you are looking for in a new companion. I guess the idea is to disrupt the neurological pathways that you have made and established in your head and create new ones. Who know maybe this is a bunch of bs, but if it helps even alittle, use it Good luck!

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Currently: Flagstaff, AZ Planning to move to Johnson City TN soon
    RTE, thanks for the advice. I believe that actually might help me some.

    I'll try it at any rate.

    whaywardj, the accent does cause me some problems. Just about everyone teases me about it (I don't mind). I even had a counselor tell me once that I was going to have a hard time getting a job because of my southern accent. She said it automatically makes you seem to drop 10 iq points


  8. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    What a pile of shit. If its over then lose her and all contact and dont talk to her. Its like she pities you so she tries to talk to you and tell you she still loves you which is a lie because how do you love someone but want to be with someone else? you dont.
    "Why are you an atheist?"
    "because I paid attention in science class."

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Only-virgins
    What a pile of shit. If its over then lose her and all contact and dont talk to her. Its like she pities you so she tries to talk to you and tell you she still loves you which is a lie because how do you love someone but want to be with someone else? you dont.
    This may seem a little harsh, but its 100% true. The same exact thing happened to me over the last two months, and every single thing OV just said was dead on for my situation.

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Georgia, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Lurch
    whaywardj, the accent does cause me some problems. Just about everyone teases me about it (I don't mind). I even had a counselor tell me once that I was going to have a hard time getting a job because of my southern accent. She said it automatically makes you seem to drop 10 iq points

    What most non-Southerners don't get, is that a LOT of Southern folks are PLEASED to let that stereotype stand. They believe it gives you a competitive edge if your adversary thinks you're stupid or slow-witted. They could be right.

    One of the most delicious Southern accents I ever heard was from a sweet, young thing in Atlanta. I listened to her babble all night about some of the most inane shit I've also ever heard and didn't even mind. I was riding quite comfortably on the smooth, open rhythms of her accent. Didn't give a damn about what she saying. Actually made me want to go back to Atlanta a few times just to hear it again. Never made it. Went back to California, instead.
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  11. #26
    Tone's Avatar
    Tone Guest
    I'm with you there, Hayward... I think southern accents on females is just the cutest thing ever, it's so sexy!

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