I had great lluck with a free dating site. Actually much better than the paid sites I went to. I paid for 2 sites, used one free site, and set up a profile on another site that does that for free and then charges to actually contact people. My current bf saw me on the paid site I didn't pay for AND the free site and e-mailed me on both!

But yeah, I used these sites for 3 months. I met about 20 guys worth talking to further, went on first dates with 8 of them, dated one for a couple of weeks and have been dating the last one for about 6 months now. Probably 5 other guys I thought were interesting but they stopped replying. I did the same to a couple of guys. If you meet someone interesting and go on a couple of dates and want to pursue that...you can't keep fishing for more guys at the same time. Even if you don't want to narrow it to one person at a time, you might not reply to a perfectly nice guy because you reach the max number of guys/girls you can keep in rotation and date in your available free time.

So yeah, twice I had to drop all the guys I was conversing with because I promised another guy I'd date him exclusively. And three times I had to let go of some people I had started to chat with because my schedule would only allow me to pursue a certain number of guys simultaneously. Once I ended the 2-week thing, I actually replied to some guys I had stopped replying to and picked up where we left off, actually.