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Thread: I have a crush on this girl.

  1. #16
    girl68's Avatar
    girl68 is offline little person, big mouth
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    You're going to ask her out on a date BEFORE you get a phone number? Umm that's the wrong order.

    Honestly it does not at all sound like she's remotely itnerested in you. "might be..." is code for "if I'm desperate and have nothing better to do I guess I'll hang out with you".

  2. #17
    Join Date
    May 2008
    After a couple of more messages I finally got her number on Tuesday and am going to call her today. What I'm planning to do is make plans with her for Saturday, if she's free. If she's not free, then screw it. I'm about to start college (finally) in the fall and hopefully I'll find some girls there.
    Last edited by TSA09; 26-03-10 at 02:53 AM.

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