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Imagine someone you have dated in the past...that you decided for whatever reason that they were too clingy or just were, for whatever reason, not right for you...so you break down and tell them...and then they get MORE clingy.."No, wait. Don't go. Why are you leaving me?" Whatever behavior you didn't like before is suddenly amplified and you just feel more in the right for breaking the relationship. But imagine you tell them "I don't think we should see each other anymore" and instead they say "I understand...in fact, I have been thinking the same thing myself...you are a good person and I've really enjoyed my time with you..." This can set your mind into a tailspin because...they didn't react in the way you expected. They weren't clingy, needy or dependent upon you...
I never ever ever chase. Coincidentally I have been re-approached by nearly ever ex I've ever had...it's sad that it works because perhaps it shouldn't...but it does work...