That's the last thing I wanna think about, I'd rather think about If they are respectful of others, than such a thing like that.
They are eye candy, but I'd rather focus on how to trust them and make our relationship work.
That's the last thing I wanna think about, I'd rather think about If they are respectful of others, than such a thing like that.
They are eye candy, but I'd rather focus on how to trust them and make our relationship work.
" Nothing is a waste of time, if you use the experience wisely."
=> Auguste Rodin
Why would you say something like that? Are you there for them, or just for how big their tits are, If they're not as developed as others It's not a big loss, because their personality makes them a lot more sexy. I have a current friend that has average tits and I like her for who she is.Originally Posted by Frasbee
Dude, you are so gay.
You go with your Double D Tits and see how it turns out.
P.S. Most women with bigger tits have such an ego trip that, It would be hard to talk to them, saying how they are better than everyone else. I have my preference and you have yours, so let it be that way.
" Nothing is a waste of time, if you use the experience wisely."
=> Auguste Rodin
nicely balanced breasts are the best. Be them petite B cups or whatever. If a breast is 'clean' so to speak (i can't think of another way to say it) it's fine no matter the size.
Yes ladies, I don't care about double D's... C cups are fine. B cups are fine. A cups well... Ok, I have to admit. I'd feel as if i was feeling up a fifth grade boy in that case.
Live for the moment.
The moment will pass, but will live forever. Create something while it lasts.
Carpe Diem
Did you even read my message above, you call me gay for not caring for tits as much as you.
Are you trying to hang around with a girl that has bigger tits or for her personality and confidence.
You don't even know me and you say such stupid stuff to me.
I'd rather focus on trust like mentioned before, my standards aren't as high as yours.
" Nothing is a waste of time, if you use the experience wisely."
=> Auguste Rodin
It's easier to judge you when I don't know you. That's called prejudice. After reading a select few of your posts, I would prejudge that you're a "nice guy".
And from what I can see, you're damn right about my standards being high. I want as much out of chicks as I can get. Settling is for back country folk.
I am a nice guy, I want to make my date comfortable and trusting of me. I do peek from time to time I gotta say, but I do try to focus on their face a lot more, It makes me a lot less nervous.
Every girl has tits, so why focus on that part alone, we all know how they look like, so It's not like we're visiting a new country, not knowing what to expect.
" Nothing is a waste of time, if you use the experience wisely."
=> Auguste Rodin
I say something in between is just right.
" Nothing is a waste of time, if you use the experience wisely."
=> Auguste Rodin
Tits > no titits.
I don't care as long as she has some.
"Why are you an atheist?"
"because I paid attention in science class."