Society would lead us to believe that if we are not in a relationship, then there is something wrong with us. But the reality is that many of us should learn how to love and accept ourselves first. I was in a very emotionally and mentally abusive relationship once and thought that I didn't deserve better and he was as good as I was going to get. At the time, I had a lot of insecurities that stemmed from toxic family relationships, and not knowing better, I knew in my gut that I needed to leave, but fear kept me there and I stayed in the relationship for four years and left feeling very hurt. But I also learned a lot about myself and began to recognize that I deserved better and that no one could make me happy if I didn't have internal happiness and gratitude. That began me on a very personal spiritual journey and I read a lot of books and applied some of the teachings, and I began to connect with myself on a consciousness level and deal with MY stuff. Now when I have challenges, I pull on the strength of my spiritual self and can rise above what is causing me distress. This has made me a better friend and a compatible partner for the love that I desire and am able to give in a relationship.
I share this story because 1) I want to hear your story on loving yourself first, and 2) to encourage anyone who may be feeling unworthy that YOU can do the self-work towards loving yourself first, but you have to make the decision and then commit to it. Trust me, it may not be easy but sometimes we have to make change in our life or reconsider our choices that keep us stuck and further away from the life and love we truly deserve to give and have.