My boyfriend and I have been together for 11 months.. He has anger issues which I believe stem from his childhood...When he gets upset, he cancels any and all plans that we have made.. We were out with my child and he went to order our food.. He became upset with the order taker and seemed agitated when he came back to the table.. He asked a couple of times if my daughter was going to fill her drink and after the second time my reply was "yes, she will" I could have possibly raised my pitch but I definitely was not yelling.. He told me to watch my tone.. Something else happened" I can't recall" and he again told me to watch my tone .. I didn't want to get into and argument in front of my child so I just laughed it off.. He didn't speak to me the rest of the evening..
He drove back to his place and said goodbye to my child but ignored me.. He sent me a message that stated that I snapped at him and was too smug to admit that I did it.. He was no longer going on a trip that was supposed to happen in a few days.. He was supposed to meet my family and I was to meet a few of his relatives. His reason was that he was not going to risk me snapping at him in front of my family or his.. I told him that his anger causes him to over react and his response was " I don't give a fu*k.Its been 10ays and we haven't spoken.. I'm usually the one to call after an argument but I have not...
It may sound crazy but he is a nice guy when he is not angry and we have a great connection.. Should I call him?