Hes showing all the early warning signs of abuse. He has no respect for you, no empathy for your feelings, you know you cant trust him, he lies all the time and puts you down to others. Hes a cheat and he also controls and manipulates you. I suspect you are in danger from this man-eventually he will start physically abusing you too-hes already doing so in every other way and hes showing a lot of signs of narcissism. Get the hell out now. You can do so much better than this. Men like him should be castrated and hung upside down
I will also just add: I have no idea why so many people assume that army men are "good men". Fair enough some have no choice but to fight for their country in some countries but the ones who choose to go to war, to kill a ton of innocent people for their f**cked up government who usually have some monetary agenda are the worst men of all IMO. Every thread I have encountered so far about a military husband or boyfriend were all sex addicts who spent half their time in the army with strippers and prostitutes. Its like army culture.. I hope you used condoms
Last edited by michelle23; 16-06-14 at 09:53 AM.
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