Neither the jock or the 'nice guy' you describe would get dated by me.
As a general rule, I go for nice guys, but the nice guy you describe sounds like he'd be put straight into the friend zone because he's not displaying any of his sexuality. You see, he needs to balance all that thoughtfulness with a big dose of dirty. Throw in some innuendos. A sneaky hint that you find me sexually desirable.
I'd also be wary of him knowing 'how to treat girls well'. Thing is, not all girls want the same thing. Yes, most want to be listened to and have their thoughts and ideas respected....but further than that, I don't think there's a rule of how to treat girls.
As far as saving virginity for someone special? Total deal breaker. I would never have wanted that responsibility put on me.....and besides, he might have expected the same from me.
Never regret anything that has happened in your life. It cannot be changed, forgotten or undone. So, take it as a lesson learned and move on.