hey all okay well last night was KrAzY
we were sneaking on the phone late last night and we decided to have phone sex that night and it all went pretty well. you know how much of a freak i am about knowing as much as i can about pussy.. rofl so i was talkin shit to her last night and telling her what to do with her pussy and then about 10 minutes later she started moaning REALLY hard and REALLY fast and in the middle of extremely hard breaths she was sayin "omg nick im going to cum" among other....erotic...things...
as we all know, it is more arousing for a GUY to have a girl give him a handjob. but (normally) it takes a lot to come when a girl is doing it then when we ourselves are doing it. it may be more arousing, but we simply... i dunno.. we know ourselves better or something..
my question is..
is it that way with a girl? by giving her an orgasm over the phone.. did she only cum because she was doing it herself? she said she wouldn't have been able to have her first orgasm if she wasn't on the phone with me, because she's had this problem before i came into the picture. she couldn't give herself an orgasm at all, it hardly even felt good for her to masturbate. and then we have phone sex a few times and she keeps getting closer and closer to an orgasm until last night BAAM it was nice
so, would it be easier for me or harder for me to give her an orgasm in real life? we hardly get to see each other so i figured i could learn about it while i can here @ the forum.. can anybody supply me with information? particularly blackrose, i know you probably know a lot about this.