Introducing LoveForum.NET Premier Membership
Dear Member,
We are pleased to announce the launch of LoveForum.NET Premier Membership.
It had been a long wait for our members especially our regular. The shift to a paid membership will allow our member to have access to more features & privilege at LF.
The following are the some of major highlights of Loveforum.NET Premier Membership:
* Option to disable the Annoying Ads
* Restrictions On Private Messages to be lifted And Will Be Able to Store Up To 400 Messages
* Access to Loveforum.NET Private Lounge
* Custom User Title under your username
* Colored Username and Premium tag
* Ignore annoying member's post from showing up
* Create your own blog/journal (can be public/private) [pending]
* and more to be added
Check out LoveForum.NET Premier Membership today! (Link can be found at the top menu)
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