My boyfriend and I have been together over three years now. Neither of us have ever been unfaithful or dishonest in our relationship. For the most part we're pretty happy with a few minor arguments here and there. Lately we've been having a bit more sex than normal because we've been trying new stuff that we never tried before, we started this around January. One night when we were switching from sex to oral, I noticed something on the base of his penis. I asked him about it, he said he didn't know what it was but he noticed it one night when he was undressing to get in the shower. He thought it had some dry cum on it that he picked off and that maybe it was just an irritation from having more sex than normal. He said it didn't hurt, burn or itch. So I forgot about it until a week later when I started my period. I thought it was a zit at first, on the bottom of my bottom lip, so I tried to pop it but that only made it become inflamed and sore. A while afterward it formed a scab, which I thought was weird so I started thinking maybe it was a cold sore, which I've never had in my life. I'm very paranoid and get tested for STDs every year because of being raped when I was 19. So I started looking up symptoms of cold sores and herpes and what they looked like. For the most part it didn't sound the same or look the same from what I could tell, but I'm still a little paranoid. I read that herpes can be dormant for years at a time and my boyfriend had quite a few partners before me. So I'm wondering if he caught something from them without knowing and never got tested because he didn't think there was anything to worry about. Then he passed it on to me recently since that was the first time he had an actual outbreak. I want to talk to him about it, but I'm not really sure how to go about it. I want him to know I don't think he's being unfaithful because neither of us could do anything like that to anyone, let alone each other. I also want him to know that I know it can't be me though, and that I have a theory about what could have happened if it is herpes and I'm not just being paranoid. I don't want to break up with him over this, I don't think there is any reason to as long as he's remained faithful, I just want some advice about how to bring it up without making it seem like I'm blaming him or starting a fight. Also I don't know how to convince him to get a blood test because he hates needles. I know you can have urine tests done as well, but I'd like to have both done to be safe. Could any of you give me good, rational advice on how to bring this up to him? I'd really appreciate the help, thanks.