I'm 28. Up until now, I've happily kept out of romance altogether and never felt like I was missing something. But I suppose now is a good time to look into this particular facet of life that I've neglected. I have no delusions; if I got into it now, it would be like banging my head against a wall - painful and scarring, before any progress was made. But it would also be a learning experience for life. I'm clueless but genuinely curious as to what it would be like to have a partner. I mean mainly the emotional aspect, not the intimacy. While I don't get lonely, I would like someone to share my life with. But I have almost everything going against me:
- I'm short. This does not bother me normally but I hate to think it could cause me problems with romance.
- Social skills are non-existent.
- Peculiar appearance. Wouldn't call myself ugly, but let's just say I'd make a great movie villain with my face that looks like I'm glaring at all times.
- Not rich, in fact, I'm struggling.
- My personality is... dark. Dark humor, strange kinks, nihilism and cynicism make me less than pleasant to be around for most people, I'd imagine.
- As a result of the above and more, my self-esteem has been so low for years that I no longer consider it a problem and can't remember ever being 'confident'. What confidence I have stems from not giving a damn what anyone thinks, yet looking for a partner would make it necessary to do just that. At least I can take rejection well by now.
So would it be worth it to get out of my comfort zone? Or would I crack my head on that wall to no effect regardless of my efforts? It may sound like I'm set on my negativity but I'll consider any advice given.