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Thread: gah its all going to flames.. what to do?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    New England

    gah its all going to flames.. what to do?

    yah so i guess a while back ago i was all asking questoins on how to hook up all niceley and stuff with girls.. but now ive got the girl, and weve been having plenty of fun since around november of 04. damn. yah she had a boyfriend, and still does, so we were never like "together". i know its wrong blah blah dont yell at me for that.

    so anyways, a while back when we first did this, i was like damn, if shes gonna cheat on her bf so easily with me, i probly shouldnt get ne feelings for her cause shed just as easily cheat on me. so yah.

    so it was all going well till a couple weeks ago, when her ex-bf asked her to the prom. apparently, from the stories i heard from way back when, she got dumped BY him but still liked him a lot. so now i guess he decided to want to get back together with her, even though shes dating his best friend. anyways thats a different story.

    so i dunno, like i know she really likes him (its obvious). and lately we have been doing lots less of the whole hooking up bussiness, like i still go over her house, but we just hang out and shell shy away whenever i try to touch her. Dont get me wrong, i really like her, liek as a person, but its just so wierd to not be able to do this stuff with her, since thats like... our THING, i dunno. i feel like she hates me or is trying to hint to me that she just wants to be friends. gah what do i do?

    i dont want to be "just friends". i wanna be the kid who hooks up with her all the time, i wanna have "benefits" but now she likes this "new" guy (hese actually old... since he was her ex) and she doesnt ever want to do anythign with me anymore.

    Like i dont know if she means to or not, but she even like asks him out to movies and dinners in front of me! i mean, is she TRYING to like GREATLY hint to me to back off? i need a lady's help here. girls are so hard to deduce.

    i REALLY dotn know what to do.. should i just back off, and let them burn through and then get back in, or should i talk to her and stuff. i dunno. i know i SHOULD just talk to her but i hate having conversations like that, and shes not even my gf so its akward to have conversations about that stuff. this sucks.


    cant decide between:
    1) leave her alone and just be her friend w/o benefits while i let her have fun with this other guy (gah i just cant do it!!)
    2) try to fight for her, (im bad at fighting for women)
    3) tell her that we should stop hooking up since she wants to be with this other guy, and go find someone else for myself. (thatd be nice.. but i really jsut dont want to talk to her about it)
    4) just wait untill she gets over this guy

    sigh, i guess the choice is obvious, but i really dun wanna talk to her about this.

    p.s. shes got VIP redsox tickets and is taking me, so if i do talk to her, itll hafta be after that, i just CANT lose this ticket.. :-/ yah yah im using her a bit for the ticket, but not really, since i genuinly like this girl a lot.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    The girl obviously just wants to be friends now and if she can score VIP tickets to the Red Socks game, maybe you should accept the shifting of the gears. This situation will blow up on you unless you can forget about benefits. If you can't just accept friendship with her, then you should go find someone new.

  3. #3
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    In a house.......
    Dont give up on this girl yet!
    If you really really like her, fight for her for a lil - if you see no results then give up.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    New England
    than.. i guess i can try the w/o benefits idea.. itll just be so much harder. it seems like tahts what she really wants, so i guess ill do it. it just sucks loosing a girl to another guy...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Melbourne, Aus
    she stays with you till she got dumped by her ex and then when he decides in his own free time whether or not he wants to get back at her .... and she agreees.. dude leave her and yes she is trying to hint that she doesnt want to be more than friends with you .. and yes a girl who cheats easily on her bf with u will do the same with you .. unforutnately

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