Sounds like he may have gotten in over his head with the speed and now he's doing it before he beats off. There's no doubt that sex and orgasms are far, far more pleasurable on euphoric drugs than they are without them and a minority of people when they experience this when on things like blow, x, speed, etc they don't want it without them anymore. I wonder if that happened to your bf/lover/whatever you would classify him as? Are there other areas in life where he seems to lack self control? Does he have an addictive personality? Part of this might depend on when he's fapping too, you've mentioned waking up to find him doing it in the bed...seems unlikely that one would do speed and be able to stay in bed for very long so take that into account before you come to any conclusions here.
In any event, does he know how he is making you feel with all of this? Does he know that he is hurting you? If he doesn't know then he needs to be made aware, not with subtle hints and insinuations but with actual communication - that way you are both in a position where you have to make it clear to each other how much you are willing to work with each other through this. If he has been made clearly aware of how this is affecting you and he doesn't demonstrate any sort of willingness to work with you then I would have to call into question what kind of relationship material he really is.
One way or another you need to get on this now and determine based on direct communication with him whether or not you can salvage this. I've been there before where I want sex a lot more than my gf/lover/whoever and believe me, I know how unbearable it is. I've ended relationships for exactly that reason simply because I can't take it, even if she's someone I'm really into and can't get enough of.
They see indoctrination and they call it "morality", "professionalism", or "maturity" depending on the context.